Two Toes

Two Toes Bobcat

Female Bobcat

Born 4/24/1995 – Died 9/28/2010

Rescued 6/6/1995

Two Toes was rescued from a fur farm and came to live at Big Cat Rescue along with Levi, Two Toes, and eight other Bobcats in June 1995. She got her name because two of her toes are white. She along with her roommates actively participate in operant conditioning sessions with our Big Cat Interns. Operant Conditioning is the act of rewarding a desired behaviour with treats or praise. The first goal in the operant conditioning program is to get the cat to come over to the side of their enclosure when called upon by a Keeper. Two Toes has learned quickly that when she comes over to her operant trainer she is quickly rewarded with a special treat. Since Two Toes live with several other bobcats, operant training must be done by several keepers at one time, so that two bobcats are not competing for the same reward. 

Most of our bobcats were rescues from fur farms.  The deal Our Co-Founder made with the three fur farms we discovered in the U.S. was that he would pay top dollar for every cat and kitten they had as long as the fur farmer would agree to never buy and breed cats again for slaughter.  It came at a time that the public outcry was against the fur industry.  Many of these animals were purchased at auctions where the uncaring owners were dumping the cats with no concern about their welfare.  There is much controversy over whether we did the right thing by paying the ransom for these cats.  We still accept many unwanted cats each year, but do not pay for them and typically require that their owner surrender their license, in an attempt to keep people from just trading in their cats each year for a newer, cuter model.  We have to turn away more than 100 cats each year due to a lack of space and funds and the lack of regulation of the exotic pet trade. Read more about our Evolution of Thought HERE

September 28, 2010

Two Toes, the bobcat, had been separated from her clan for observation.  She was having a very hard time breathing.  About the only way to tell the two females in the Crazy Bob Crew was that Two Toes has two white toes, but that is only apparent from the underside of her paw.

Sadly, she had a heart attack and died very suddenly.  Heroic efforts were exerted to revive her, but she was on her way to wherever good bobcats go and after seeing the light, she wasn’t coming back.  Her after death exam showed her to be suffering from heart failure.

She was “only” 15, but that is the equivalent of being a 90 year old person.  Despite being so old, she was glossy coated, shiny eyed and never backed down from being independent and defiant; the things we love most about bobcats.  We are accustomed to our cats living far beyond the norm because of the excellent care given them, and we will miss her greatly – but she is finally free.

Two Toes Bobcat


Kim D, Volunteer My prayers are with everyone who new her. Rest in peace beautiful girl.

Sharon D, Volunteer Keeper I always liked the way she and the others let me know that I was too close to their turf. What a feisty little one she was! You will be missed.

Meredith, Volunteer Keeper Two Toes, I will miss you greatly, and cannot begin to imagine how out-of-place Crazy Horse, Levi and Tiger Lily will feel without you.
You were so full of life, even in your old age! I hope you will enjoy jumping from out of nowhere to spook those who care for you in Heaven.

Marie, Volunteer Senior Keeper So sad! I am fortunate enough to have been able to say goodbye nad I love you to her today!!! I had the feeling she was leaving us… and stopped by for a few seconds to see her on my way to A Bob.. R.I.P. little one!

Lisa, Volunteer Senior Keeper Take care Two Toes and run free. I am glad I stopped to chat with you on Saturday and Sunday to see how you were doing. It was an honor to watch and care for you over the years and I too loved your feistiness and how you and Tiger Lilly always raced to see who could beat the boys to the lockouts. You will be missed!

Rosie, Volunteer Keeper Two Toes – so glad you were able to enjoy such a great extension to your habitat. Your “crew” knew before us, you were leaving them for now. I guess they thought you’d be the one to pick the ideal spot in heaven for you all to share.

Willow, Volunteer Senior Keeper Thanks to those who made heroic efforts to save little Two Toes. It must have been awful. I’m sad to think of the Crazy Bobs without their fourth member. She was a good, feisty girl, just the way a bobcat should be.

Regina, Volunteer Senior Keeper Every cat that passes at BCR is a hit to my heart that I almost can’t bear. Yet each time I am able to move on with my life and tuck the memories away in my heart. Two Toes really hits me hard because she too suffered a heart attack like I did 7 months ago. There’s only one difference….I am here and she is not. Run free little girl you were loved by all.

More Memorials at


BIG CAT RESCUE - Fur Ball 2010


First-ever charge laid under exotic animal law