Isolde rehab bobcat rescue

Isolde Rehab Bobcat

Isolde Rehab Bobcat

Date of Birth: Unknown

Date of Rescue: December 16, 2021

Released back to the wild:

Meet our newest rescue Isolde. Isolde means ice queen in Welsh and beautiful in Celtic. Isolde is a female Florida bobcat who was found emaciated weighing just 8 pounds, dehydrated, and covered in mange.
Wild Florida Rescue received the initial call to help Isolde in Palm Bay. She had taken up post in a backyard and was attempting to get an easy meal of some pet chickens.
It took a few days but thanks to the efforts of WFR team members, Alice and Jenn, Isolde was safely captured as she wondered a nearby bike trail. FWC officer Josh was on the scene providing support as well.
Isolde was taken to a local Veterinarian Dr. David Retamozo (so caring) and his Vet Tech Gemma Millar (who is also a WFR voluteer) they did the initial exam, blood work, triage and treated for mange. Once Isolde was stabilized Heather of Wild Florida Rescue contacted BCRs Jamie Veronica to inquire about placement for the very sick cat. We gladly agreed and made preparations for her arrival. Alice and Jenn drove Isolde nearly 3 hours to bring her to Big Cat Rescue. We cannot thank the entire Wild Florida Rescue team enough for everything they did to get this poor girl the help she needs.
Isolde was set up in our Rehab Hospital. She cozied up on a fleece bed before enjoying her first meal in who knows how long. She was very hungry and ate eagerly. Because she has been starving we will feed her small frequent meals until she rounds the corner. Please wish Isolde well. She needs all the good healing vibes right now.

Isolde Rehab Bobcat arrival
Isolde Rehab Bobcat arrival

December 17,  7:30 am update

I am sad to report Isolde passed away just a little while ago. We thought she was going to pull through as we had been checking in on her throughout the night. She slipped peacefully away in her sleep this morning. We take comfort in knowing that Isolde enjoyed a warm meal, had a full belly when she went to bed and got to sleep a whole night through on a soft bed without worry of scavengers.

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  1. Bless you All for the Wonderful work you so selflessly administer to these precious cats. Can’t say enough Thank Yous for your love & care! ♥️??

  2. Poor Isolde. I am so happy that had a good meal and some sleep before she passed. Thank you for all you do to help protect these animals

  3. Oh how sad she passed, but in loving “arms” of all your hard work to try and get her through! May she rest eternally with that full belly and warm bed. Bless Isolde and those that cared enough to see her through to the end.

  4. Thank you for all the work you do taking care of the beautiful creatures God gives us to look after. I grew up with a Father who.did the same. He took in injured wild life and nursed them back to health teaching us small children how to do the same. He built his own cages, providing his own food for them. Etc. Thank you

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