Latest from Big Cat Rescue

Thank You!

Thank you for clicking the bone, or for sponsoring one of our cats. Something most donors can agree on is that they want their donations to go to the cause and not to frivolous expenses.  That’s why we have created this page to show our thanks. In the past our donation and sponsor kits have…

Small Wild Cat Conservation Summit in Sri Lanka

Small Wild Cat Conservation Summit in Sri Lanka

In December 2019, Big Cat Rescue was invited to attend the 2nd ever International Small Wild Cat Conservation Summit, being held in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The Summit, which was a 5-day event, filled with presentations, discussions, and workshops, was open to Conservationists, Donors, and enthusiasts from around the world. Over 30 participants attended from a…

Florida Panther Facts

Florida Panther Facts

Protect the Florida Panther or Lose Her Forever What is the Species? Puma concolor coryi. The Florida Panther is a unique subspecies of cougar that has adapted to the subtropical environment of Florida. Schoolchildren picked the panther as the state animal in 1981. This large charismatic umbrella species is the mascot for dozens of schools across…

Zimba Serval

Zimba Serval

Zimba Male Serval DOB 1/1/1998 Rescued 4/29/2011 Died 12/30/19 21 year old Zimba Serval came in a few months ago when his health was declining and his kidney values were bad, but during his recheck today they were off the charts bad, despite being fed many small meals a day and being on the great…



Andi Female Bobcat DOB 4/22/97 Arrived at Big Cat Rescue  11/30/01 Died 12/30/19.  In October of 2019 we discovered that Andi had bone cancer in her jaw after she had seen the vet for chewing issues.  We extracted the bad teeth, but knew that it would only be a matter of time before she would…

Tom Tom

Tom Tom

Female Bobcat 1/1/1999 – 04/14/2021 Date of Rescue: 9/8/2019 Despite her name, Tom Tom is a female bobcat and is one of our senior citizens, born in 1999. She came to us at age 20 in 2019 with three other cats from a California facility that closed down. Vet reports from California indicated difficulty getting…



Sundari Female Leopard DOB 11/15/96 Died 12/27/19 Sundari Leopard was euthanized 12/27/19. Her 23 year old body has been giving out on her, and we’ve managed her pain as best we could, but it reached a point where we could no longer offer her a life worth living. Thank you to everyone who made her…



Working together to protect Florida’s panther. Florida panthers are in a fight for their lives! These iconic cats are facing multiple threats from habitat depletion and prey loss to vehicle collisions and the risk of losing their federal protective status. This catfight is ongoing and must be won one battle at a time. Show your…

2018 Annual Report

2018 Annual Report

26 Years of Saving Big Cats Thanks to YOU! Some of the most impressive work to save big cats has been done by big cat lovers joining their voices to end abuse and pooling their resources to save exotic cats in the wild before they are all gone. The Cats YOU Rescued 2018 has flown…