Latest from Big Cat Rescue

4 Bobcat Kittens

4 Bobcat Kittens

Four Bobcat Kittens at Big Cat Rescue Here’s an update on Phoenix and Captiva and our newest bobcat kittens, Rain and Dancer. Phoenix and Captiva arrived at Big Cat Rescue on 6/25/2015 and Rain and Dancer arrived on 7/16/2015. Phoenix and Captiva have been transitioned out to our huge rehab enclosure where they are learning to…

Save Milo

Save Milo

Milo the Tiger has been kidnapped from the Centre Club. The kidnappers are demanding a ransom to benefit Big Cat Rescue. More details as they emerge…. Donate to help Save Milo here:  



GoodWorld Makes #donate the Easiest Way to Support Big Cat Rescue   GoodWorld is the first donation solution to work seamlessly on Facebook.  It also works on Twitter. Big Cat Rescue signed up with GoodWorld so that when we need the help of our social supporters we can just ask them to go to the…

Rube Goldberg Machine

Rube Goldberg Machine

Rube Goldberg “Rat” Machine One of the bobcat kittens currently in our care received a lot of hands on attention at the facility he was originally rescued by.  Pheonix was found in the ashes of a brush fire and his back and paws were singed.  He required daily treatments and during this impressionable time became…

One Step at a Time

One Step at a Time

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]One day, nearly five years after moving to Charlotte County, I opened my free “Green Sheet” shoppers’ newspaper and found an advertisement for an arts & crafts show being held at Gilchrist Park in Punta Gorda. I was floored when I read the show featured a live tiger! I could not believe what I was reading. I immediately…


Raindance Female Bobcat DOB 5/8/93 Rescued 5/27/93 Died July 5, 2015 Raindance came to Big Cat Rescue from a fur farm in Minnesota. We had ordered six Bobcat kittens by phone, but were told that we must pick them up in person. We traveled to Minnesota, and when we arrived, we saw a sign out…

Guest Vets

Guest Vets

Big Cat Vets in Action Meet Big Cat Rescue Veterinarians A number of wonderful vets have helped Big Cat Rescue, including: Dr. Helga Bleyaert, VMD, DACVS Dr. Callum Hay, BVMS, DACVS Dr. Fay Herrero, DVM Dr. Curtis Kane, DVM Oncology Dr. Megan Meyers, DVM Dr. Sami Pederson, DVM Dr. Tammy Miller…

Reintroducing Big Cats

Reintroducing Big Cats

How To Reintroduce Big Cats People often ask why we don’t let our cats all live together in one big yard.  I used to think they were just baiting me to snap at them, because exotic cats will kill each other and at the end of the day there would only be one cat left…