Loki Savannah Cat



Savannah Cat
DOB 1/1/14?
Date Arrived 12/26/17

Loki was purchased from a breeder by a family.  Sadly when the husband and wife divorced neither had room in their lives for this young wildcat and tried to relinquish him to the local shelter.  The shelter however would not take him.  It was their policy to refuse all wildcat hybrids.

Lucky for Loki and thanks to Cat Man Chris, dad to internet cat superstars Cole & Marmalade, BCR heard of Loki’s predicament.  Loki was rescued and will have a permanent home at Big Cat Rescue.

Loki was quite shy when he first arrived and would often hide when approached.  He has since warmed up to his new surroundings. The great outdoors must have been a little bit of a shock to him in the beginning.  Now Loki fits right in and surveys the land from his favorite perch high in the tree that is the centerpiece of his natural enclosure.

6/20/2018 - Over 1,300 new followers in a two weeks time! How wonderful!! Welcome everyone, and where is everyone from? - Loki hybrid
6/20/2018 – Over 1,300 new followers in a two weeks time! How wonderful!! Welcome everyone, and where is everyone from? – Loki hybrid

On the day after Christmas we got two appeals to rescue a Savannah Cat.

Kitty Kottage wrote:

Hi BCR! I am Vet Tech and co Founder of a small kitty rescue  in Dothan AL. Called Kitty Kottage. A woman reached out to me about re-homing a not very tame Savannah. We have zero experience with those. I was hoping you could help me direct her to get this cat into knowledgeable hands?  Regards,  Cheri Hannah, Vet Tech KK

Sent from my iPhone

We also got a request from Cat Man Chris

Cat Man Chris Loki Savannah Cat  Cat Man Chris Loki Savannah Cat 2

Jamie and Victor just happened to be driving from Texas to Tampa, so a stop in Alabama was only a couple hours out of the way.

They got in around 11 pm, so he spent the night in the West Boensch Cat Hospital with Noel Bobcat and he should be set to move outside today (12/27/17)

Loki Savannah Cat
Loki Savannah Cat
Loki is such a cutie ? He is sneaky and cautious and LOVES food! He makes little nom nom nom noises when he eats❤️? https://bigcatrescue.org/loki/ Photo: Keeper Brittany Mira
Photo by Keeper Brittany Mira

Loki loved sicles! Watch til the end to see him enjoying his St. Patrick’s Day sicle!

September 20, 2020 Update

From Afton: Loki was brought into the Recovery Hospital to be groomed by operations to try and get rid of his mats without sedation. So far so good!Loki mats hybrid

March 23, 2022 Update:

Loki was seen by Dr. B today for a routine exam since his eating habits have changed. We sent blood and urine to the lab for analysis. He is spending the night in the recovery hospital.

March 24, 2022 Update:

Loki is going to remain in the recovery hospital for now for some further treatment.

March 28, 2022 Update:

Loki’s lab results indicate significant kidney disease. His urinalysis came back negative for bacteria growth so the kidney failure is not due to an infection. We will be moving him back outside and monitoring him closely, keeping him as comfortable as we can until he decides it is time.

April 18, 2022 Update:

Dr. Justin came to help Loki cross the rainbow bridge. His kidney values were worse than his previous exam less than a month ago. He has stopped eating and putting up a fight and was ready to rest.Loki hybrid savannah

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  1. Thanks for the info! Could you do an update on Loki now that he is indoors? He has many more fans now that he is seen on the Kitten Cabana cam! My husband was asking me for Loki’s story 🙂

  2. I’m thankful you rescued Loki as an animal shelter probably would have euthanized him for being a wild cat but he really appears to have much more ‘Cat’ in him than ‘Wild’ so I hope some day Loki can be adopted and given a nice forever home where he can be loved as a pet rather than kept as a wild animal, and I am glad you moved him into the Kitten Cabana, I’m sure Loki feels a lot more safe and comfortable there rather than outside smelling the Lions, Tigers and Bobcats, I will enjoy watching his progress as well as all the other beautiful animals there – Thank you for all that you do to help and protect them. 🙂

  3. Bless you all for taking such good care of Loki throughout his life with you. He absolutely couldn’t have been in a better place and couldn’t have asked for better people to love him. Fly free baby boy and watch over everyone. Have Zabu give you tips on flying when you get to the Bridge. *HUGS*

  4. Rest in peace little Loki. Now you can play the other cat in heaven on a beautiful meadow. We will continue to carry you in our hearts. And I wish BCR and its employees a lot of strength. You took great care of Loki and he will always be grateful to you.

  5. Lokie, it’s your time to fly high with wings of gold! Run wild and free… Chase the butterflies and fireflies for as far as you can see! We’re going to miss your ever so sweet face! You were love so very much and will be missed even more. Run In Paradise sweet Lokie…????

  6. Loki, you were well loved at BCR, and you are missed already. Run free at the Rainbow Bridge and say “meow” to my Miss Kitty who got there 3 weeks ago. Same kidney disease. You are both pain free and rambunctious now!

  7. I am so sorry Loki, please watch over your keepers as they mourn your loss. Guide others like yourself to rescue and safety.

  8. Sorry to hear about Loki passing today. I am sure his keepers took very good care of him. His life was so much better at Big Cat Rescue with you. RIP baby boy.

  9. Sweet Loki! Unwanted by your owners but loved by all at BCR and those of us who support the sanctuary. Run in Paradise sweetheart, you will be missed.

  10. I found out today that Loki passed yesterday I know everyone at BCR did everything they could for their sweet feisty Loki. I lost my Sarah in 2011 due to kidney failure and grand mal seizures your free now and even though we wish we could follow we know when it’s our turn you will meet us there at the rainbow bridge.

  11. Sweet Loki! I loved him from the day he arrived. He seemed so sad and lost. 12 years old is way too young to pass, but hybrids just mostly don’t seem to live long. They have so many health problems. As always, my heart, thoughts, prayers are with the angels at BCR who loved and cared for him. Run free sweet Loki!

  12. Oh no! Loki, too?! I started watching him on the Explore.org Kitten Cabana cam when the pandemic began. I missed him when Simba moved in last year. I haven’t been checking Explore.org very often lately but decided to come here to see why Simba hasn’t been on the Kitten Cabana cam in a long time. I just read the sad news about Simba. And now see that Loki is also gone. I have a magnet of sweet Loki on my refrigerator, along with one of Queen Nikita. He will be missed. Thank you to BCR for taking care of him. Sending my deepest condolences.

  13. I’m just seeing this sad news now. Loki reminded me so much of my Tabby Loki that when my Loki passed, I saw him in the eyes of Savannah Cat Loki. To hear he’s crossed the rainbow bridge is heartbreaking but I am so glad BCR was able to give him great care and attention at the end of his life. Thank you and sleep sweet, Loki. 🙁

  14. *Sigh* I wondered what happened to Loki #RIP you sweet cat, I always had a soft spot for him because he seemed like just an ordinary House cat to me in search of a forever home, I am glad he got Love and good care at BCR though – happy trails across the Rainbow Bridge Loki where there is no more pain and you get all the treats you want. 🐱🌈💖

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