Cats Who Have Crossed The Rainbow Bridge
Please go back in time with me………
Remember how grateful I was when you rescued me?
Though you wanted a life of freedom for me, you made life the best it could be in captivity.
Remember when age crept up on me, my bones became stiff and my movements slower?
You worried about me constantly.
Remember the last time we saw each other with earthly eyes?
You tried to be brave, but I knew you were crying.
I’ve gone on because it was time for me to go to the next phase of my existence, something all living creatures must eventually do.
It is the normal progression of life.
My presence in your life was and is a gift to be cherished and honored.
You say that all you have left are memories, but this is not so.
You see, when I took leave of my earthly body, I left a little something behind for you.
I left, in your tender care, a piece of my soul and placed it right next to your own.
I love you too much to have left you with nothing but memories that tend to fade and grow cloudy as the years go by.
I love you too much to have vanished without a trace. How selfish it would be of me to remove love and light from your life.
This I could never do.
I understand your tears.
Each one you shed is testament to your love for me and I am honored and humbled.
But don't forget the good times we shared – remember them and smile.
This is an honor for me as well.
We’d like to thank those who have shed the tears and eloquently given words to the emotions we all share for those no longer physically with us. We celebrate their lives with stories, tears and laughter.
"The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living" ~ Marcus Tulius Cicero
“Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy " ~ Eskimo Proverb quote
More than 250 wild cats made Big Cat Rescue their home and helped us bring an end to the abuses that caused so many exotic felines to be bred, used and discarded. We want their stories to live on. Click to read their rescue stories below.

Female TigerBorn 2000Arrived 9/6/2014