Simba Savannah Cat

Simba Savannah Cat

Simba Savannah Cat

4/1/05 – 12/4/21

12/4/2021:  Simba Savannah Cat Has Been Euthanized.  A few days ago Simba Savannah cat began acting weird, including tearing up his blankets. Thinking he might be bored inside, where he’d been brought in to keep him from the mosquitos that caused his allergies, and with the cooler weather, we moved him back outdoors. He began to decline in eating, was vomiting, and seemed to want to do nothing but sleep. We brought him into the West Boensch Recovery Hospital for observation and Dr. Justin Boorstein left a birthday party to come check on him today.

None of the diagnostics were explaining his illness which we had feared would be a blockage so Dr. Justin opened him up. What he found was internal bleeding, causing anemia, a mottled spleen and liver and a mass that could be cancer or maybe an aneurism. Simba was euthanized while he slept because at 16 years of age, there was nothing we could do to turn all of this around.

During the necropsy samples were taken of all of these organs but it may be a couple weeks before we know what caused his sudden ailment. You can post your tributes at

12/12/2021 Update

Simba’s biopsy results came back indicating he has Lymphosarcoma a type of lymphoma. Lymphosarcoma (lymphoma) is one of the most common cancers diagnosed in cats. It is a cancer of the lymphocytes (a type of blood cell) and lymphoid tissues. Lymphoid tissue is normally present in many places in the body including lymph nodes, spleen, liver, gastrointestinal tract and bone marrow.

/Previous News About Simba Savannah

We get these calls all the time:  “I have a _____ hybrid cat and he’s not happy.  He needs to live outside.”  Usually, the caller has purchased a very expensive designer cat, and now that the cat has reached sexual maturity (regardless of which sex or how soon they were fixed) and the cat is spraying urine all over the house and being aggressive to the people and pets in the family.

Simba’s case was pretty unique, in that his owner tried for 13 years before making that call.  She called in May and we’ve tried, for weeks to talk her out of sending Simba to us because exotic cats and hybrids really only ever bond to that person who raised them.  Even though they may bite and scratch that person, it’s the only person they really ever let themselves get to know, so they are usually not happy going somewhere to “live outside.”

We always advise on ways to make the situation tenable, such as building on an indoor/outdoor room, or even a cage like ours in their backyard, but Simba lived in a New York apartment, so that wasn’t an option.

Like Beacher, Simba is another hybrid that was pumped out by the Drinkwater Cats mill.  He surely cost a lot of money and probably was pitched as a perfect cheetah for the couch for fancy apartment living.  No exotic hybrid cat could ever live up to the hype.

Simba’s mom told rescuers there were a lot of factors in her life that were changing.  Her son had graduated so the nest was empty now.  She was moving somewhere Simba couldn’t go and there was a boyfriend in the picture.  She really loved Simba and was pretty upset about sending him away.  She says she will come to visit.  However, most owners say this, but never do.

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  1. Being in domesticated cat rescue, I can tell you that anytime there is a boyfriend in the picture, by red flags go up.

    1. Mine too. I’ve heard that before and tend to feel that it is better for the cat to get a new home in those situations. It is sad that Simba has to pay for it.

      1. There are two stories on this page. The first one was what took Simba, and the second told of how Simba arrived at BCR.

  2. My heart is broken. I don’t know how many times a week I go over to YouTube and watch him eating frozen shrimp and “Num, Num, Num”ing. Watching him with Afton in the Kitten Cabana always made me smile. Run free baby boy. Know that you will always be loved and missed.

  3. You stole my heart when I heard that your owner abandoned you when you were 13. I knew I had to become one of your sponsors. Run in Paradise sweetheart. You were loved very much and you will be missed.

  4. To everyone at BCR and Dr Justin and all the followers of BCR . my thoughts to everyone. I was glad that Simba was able to go back outside. I am always grateful these cats end up at facilities like BCR to finish out their life no matter how short or long it is. It is quality not quantity you should remember. Hang on to the good memories and know he was grateful for what you all did for him and those before him and those that will eventually leave after him. My heart is a little heavy but I am grateful that I got to hear his conversations with his keepers. And they I will keep close in my heart. Because I believe one day we all will be re united .

  5. Dear Simba come safely over the rainbow bridge. You were part of my family. We will miss you sorely. Day after day you walked across the screen in our living room. Watching you made me forget all my worries and pains. We will always carry you in our hearts. I send my deepest condolences and strength to the BCR and its staff.

  6. Poor sweet Simba cat. We will miss your chatty nature and feistiness. No longer suffering or in pain, of that I’m glad. Rest easy Simba.

  7. Simba Savannah, you had such an unusual life. But you’re free now to run, jump, and chase the butterflies! Such a beautiful cat, now even more beautiful with golden wings. You are so loved and will be missed even more, if that’s possible. Run In Paradise sweet Simba. ????

  8. The world lost a fine cat with SIMBA SAVANNAH. My heart reaches out and I hope one day there will soon be another to take his place… The world is empty without such grace and beauty…

  9. Sweet Simba Rest In Peace. You will be sorely missed. Thoughts and prayers go out all at BCR. Run free baby boy.

  10. Simba we know you stayed as long as you could, We recognized your special relationship with Afton went beyond the provision of food.
    Who knew she would be the one to tolerate being bitten (lovingly? we believed) Hey there! No bonding allowed! None of us listened.
    My heart grieves for our loss of seeing you.
    Till we meet again.
    Thank you ALL at BCR for the tireless dedication and sometimes heart wrenching work that you do.
    G-d Bless you all.

  11. Rest In Peace Simba, you are free to roam with pain. You were a sweet cat, and you will be missed by those Loved you and cared for you. Go Simba Go.

  12. Awww Simba, the many hours of joy you gave us watching your antics on Explore. I won’t be able to watch those last few videos of you the same ever again. I am so sorry we didn’t know you weren’t well. The only good thing to take from this is, you are now at peace, with no more pain. You hid it well, nom-nom. Love you Simba ???

  13. Awww Simba, the many hours of joy you gave us watching your antics on Explore. I won’t be able to watch those last few videos of you the same ever again. I am so sorry we didn’t know you weren’t well. The only good thing to take from this is, you are now at peace, with no more pain. You hid it well, nom-nom. Love you Simba ???

  14. I’m in total shock and so sad about this loss. Simba, you were my favorite and always will be, and I will miss you dearly. Rest In Peace best boy!

  15. I’m sorry you lost such a beautiful boy B.C.R. Thank you for all the love and caring you gave Simba. His story of how he came to you is sad in its own right. I do not have a website. Bless you. You are free not Simba.❤?

  16. I’m sorry you lost such a beautiful boy B.C.R. Thank you for all the love and caring you gave Simba. His story of how he came to you is sad in its own right. I do not have a website. Bless you. You are free now Simba.❤?

  17. Dear Simba,
    As you cross the rainbow bridge even though you were brought into this earth by those with I’ll breeding intentions know you were loved. Cat people such as myself, and those at the rescue would do anything to see you happy and the owner who kept you most of your life must have loved you to an extent. She even sent you to the safest home there could be for you. Simba, you were a good kitty. Fly high and watch over the babies at the rescue. May you have peace

  18. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Simba aka Mr Nom Nom and Bridge Troll. He was such a character and will be missed. I loved his chattiness and feistiness, he was full of personality. Run free beautiful boy.

  19. Dear Simba, so sad you have gone, what a wonderful cat you were.
    Pleased you are no longer in pain/distress, you will be greatly missed and will always be in our hearts ❤❤❤????

  20. Rest in peace , when that I’ll best thing for them , now will be happy playing with his family and friends that have past

  21. RIP Simba. Please when you get to kitty heaven say hi to my first cat and best friend, Lolo, who died 35 years ago and I still miss him deeply.

  22. My condolences to everyone at Big Cat Rescue. Thank you all for rescuing this sweet boy and giving him a good home. I loved listening to him talk about his food and how much he liked the cabana. He will be missed very much. Run free, darling Simba.

  23. Can hardly even type anything. Simba, I loved you with all my heart… I am so sorry you got sick..I wish you were still here, but God has other plans for you. Sweet Nom Nom boy…You are very much missed. God Speed Simba <3

  24. Sorry for your lost of Simba ??‍⬛???he was so lovely and cute. I’m gona miss you ? Simba ?‍⬛?? R.I.P. ??️?in Cat ?? Haven. You’ll never be forgotten ??????

  25. I’m very sorry for the loss of your beautiful proud baby .sending healing Angeles your way to help you through this difficult time.

  26. To everyone at BCR, thanks for taking such good care of Simba. You gave him the best life he could have had. I am sorry for your loss, but Simba is now free.

  27. My confusion is how could anyone think that a cat of that size ,magnitude, and temperament would be a perfect fit for a tiny apartment ???? Go figure

  28. My heart breaks for sweet Simba’s passing – just losing My 15yr F5 Bengal IZZY – reading the story whom, who, what, ( the W’s). My IZZY was a Drinkwater Cat – sold to US as pick of litter by another breeder … when HE arrived by airplane HE was highly stressed every car trip we paid for the first part due to his urinating in crate – car engine movement…they had told ME they had forgotten about him HE had been crates 12weeks so no socialization, HE really never took to anyone else but ME .. HE gave ME a great life know he extended mine several times over .. I’m mortified at this about SIMBA & BLEAKER – how & why is Drinkeatwater Cats still advertising business for F1Savannahs etc .. on FB & other sites .. we’ve tried to shop ran into great difficulty trying to avoid backyard breeders & Mills .. thankfully My IZZY was saved we’ll be donating passing this story in FB – Amazon for donations a exotic -hybrid cat reduce is expensive to house & run so I pray if anything Sweet SIMBAS free & at PEACE we can get more Big CATs abandoned help asap .. fly-high swim be the beautiful wilding kitty U were meant to be Silva – we’ll miss U now U are with my IZZY almost same age etc .. truly traumatized to see this story how small a world it can be we did all our fact checking it was 2006 no real inet etc like Google today …
    RIP SIMBA your with a litter mate IZZY … hope U are more than friends IZZYs telling SIMBA how spoiled he was wished he been with US on earth ? ..

  29. My heart breaks for sweet Simba’s passing – just losing My 15yr F5 Bengal IZZY – reading the story whom, who, what, ( the W’s). My IZZY was a Drinkwater Cat – sold to US as pick of litter by another breeder … when HE arrived by airplane HE was highly stressed every car trip we paid for the first part due to his urinating in crate – car engine movement…they had told ME they had forgotten about him HE had been crates 12weeks so no socialization, HE really never took to anyone else but ME .. HE gave ME a great life know he extended mine several times over .. I’m mortified at this about SIMBA & BLEAKER – how & why is Drinkeatwater Cats still advertising business for F1Savannahs etc .. on FB & other sites .. we’ve tried to shop ran into great difficulty trying to avoid backyard breeders & Mills .. thankfully My IZZY was saved we’ll be donating passing this story in FB – Amazon for donations a exotic -hybrid cat reduce is expensive to house & run so I pray if anything Sweet SIMBAS free & at PEACE we can get more Big CATs abandoned help asap .. fly-high swim be the beautiful wilding kitty U were meant to be Silva – we’ll miss U now U are with my IZZY almost same age etc .. truly traumatized to see this story how small a world it can be we did all our fact checking it was 2006 no real inet etc like Google today …
    RIP SIMBA your with a litter mate IZZY … hope U are more than friends IZZYs telling SIMBA how spoiled he was wished he been with US on earth & will be in Heaven

  30. I had been following Simba on the cam since he came inside. I don’t check the cams regularly anymore but hadn’t seen him in a long time. I wondered where he had gone and finally decided to check on the official BCR page. I was very sorry to read that he had lymphosarcoma and was euthanized. And so soon after Nikita, too. Thank you to Dr. Boorstein for taking care of him at the end. Thanks to BCR staff and volunteers for taking him in and caring for him. Please accept my belated condolences.

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