Snorkle Tiger
Male Siberian/Bengal Tiger
Born 1996 - Died 3/12/2010
Rescued 2005
Snorkle Tiger in Pond at Big Cat Rescue
Snorkel was born in 1996 to the same abuser who bred Nakoma the lion. She breeds lions and tigers and uses them to make money by selling you a photo of you holding a cute little cub. The general public just doesn’t understand what could be wrong with this? Typically, these cubs are starved, deprived of bone building calcium and even poisoned to give them constant diarrhea so that they cannot gain weight. Exhibitors do this because the cubs are only profitable while they are small. According to FL state law, the public cannot touch the cubs once they reach 45 pounds. Consequently, they are discarded. (That changed when the Big Cat Public Safety Act passed in 2022 making public contact illegal at any age.)
Snorkel was given to a small, family-operated circus when he exceeded 45 pounds at the age of 6 months. Because he had been so deprived of nutrition, he was very tiny and stands on little stunted legs. The other bigger circus tigers beat him up and one bit him across the nose so severely that, when he chuffs, it sounds like he is drowning, thus his name.
He has never had soft grass to roll in or a pool or mountain cave to call his own before coming to Big Cat Rescue. He has been one of the happiest tigers we have ever rescued.
March 12, 2010We had to say goodbye to another one of our great cats this afternoon. Thank you everyone for caring for him all of these years, you truly provided Snorkel the best possible life and he let everyone know with his enthusiastic chuffs.
Oh my boy!!!! I can't even type i'm crying so hard. Oh how my heart aches for Snork. He had an unbreakable spirit, and no matter what his medical condition or how he felt, he was always happy to see people. Sometimes i would go to the outback and just stand there and watch him and wait for him to notice me. While I waited, he always seemed so content, so happy to feel the sun on his face and the breeze from the lake. He eventually would notice me and get up and come over with that very distinguished "chuff" he had. It was like he was saying "Regina, I haven't seen you all day, I am so happy to see you". God speed beautiful boy....Rest in Peace. I love you always...Regina, Volunteer Senior Keeper
Poor Boy! I was so sad when he was moved to the Outback - always so happy and ready with a chuff! Nanci, Volunteer Keeper TraineeI absolutely adored Snorkel. Even though he was abused by humans in the past, Snorkel found peace where he was loved by all. Rest now, Snorkel, and I pray that all other abused creatures could know the love you felt at BCR...Pam, Volunteer Senior Partne
rI loved Snorkel so much. Just thinking of him makes me smile. What a happy, friendly cat. He will be greatly missed. There's a big hole in my heart..Willow, Volunteer Keeper
Who didn't love this very special boy??? He always looked so happy just laying there, looking around, feeling the wind, feeling the sun, chuffing at the birds... waiting for somebody to come to visit him... We use to just stay there just behind him, waiting for him to notice us... and we could almost recognize a smile on his face... he was so happy to see us and he would come right away to say hello... Now we are goodbye to you Snorkel! Have a safe trip... they are all waiting for you! I will Love you forever Snorkel!Marie, Volunteer Senior Keeper
You were a pleasure to care for and you greeting me with a "chuff" every morning was a great way to start the day. You will be truly missed, rest in peace buddy...Chris, Volunteer Senior Keeper
Ah, Snork ... I'll never forget him being in the enclosure next to Khan and China, chuffing at everyone who walked by until he couldn't see them anymore. What a beautiful spirit he had. He'll be deeply missed...Darla, Intern
Whot a sad year this has been we have lost so many beautiful cats ,but we must be thankfull that now we KNOW they are pain free and as they should be free.go with King and play...Kym, Volunteer Keeper
Today was raining continuously. You were sleeping,but your tail was in the rain. You were already on your way to heaven, weren't you? I pray I'll never forget you're positive observation of life. Thank You for such an important lesson. Love You...Rosie, Volunteer Senior Keeper
Thank you Snorkel for always being such a happy and inspiring tiger! I didn't get to care for you for long but you enriched my life tremendously. You will be missed but I know you are chuffing away at us from above. I love you! Lisa, Volunteer Senior Keeper
The happiest spirit I have ever known is now running free without pain. Snorkel had the unique ability to lift anyone's spirit. May we all learn something from him regarding a positive outlook on life. I will never forget you! Susan, Volunteer Senior Keeper
What a happy, positive and elevating spirit....Snorkel was inspiring and warmed my heart at every running free with his other great cat friends. I will miss him dearly...Merrill, Volunteer Partner
He was the first tiger to greet me at BCR and always had a "happy chuff" for me. I knew that this time would come, but oh how much it hurts. You were the best Snorkel!!!!!Robynne, Volunteer Keeper
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