mountain lions

Cougar Facts

Cougar Facts

Cougar – Felis concolor Common Names: Cougar, Puma, Panther,Mountain Lion, Catamount Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: Chordata (Vertebrata)Class: MammaliaOrder: CarnivoraFamily: FelidaeGenus: Felinae (Puma)Species: concolorSub-species: Eastern Texas to Florida – P.c.coryi –IUCN: Endangered, CITES:Appendix I Northeastern US and southeastern Canada Cougar – P.c. couguar – IUCN: Endangered, CITES: Appendix I Central American Cougar – P.c. costaricensis – CITES: Appendix…


Orion Male CougarDOB 10/1/0510/28/05 – 2/10/20 Saying Goodbye to Orion Cougar On Feb. 10, 2020 we brought Orion back in to see the vet.  On Nov. 17, 2019 he had seen the vet for vomiting, and again on Dec. 2 for inappetence and a couple times more for the same.  His blood work showed his…


Artemis Female Cougar10/1/05 – 1/26/20 January 26, 2020, Artemis Cougar has been euthanized. When she was reported as vomiting and not eating, Dr. Justin Boorstein decided to come in today (1/26/20), instead of waiting another day. We are glad he did. Her blood work showed her kidney disease to be absolutely off the charts and…



Reise Female Cougar DOB appx. 1/1/1995 Died 1/20/2019 She was 24  Rescued 9/22/13 Her name is pronounced RYE-zuh and is German for Journey and it certainly is appropriate for a cougar who was born into the pet trade in 1995 in Texas, was shipped to New York and then traveled to a rescue center in South Florida…


Mac Male Cougar9/2/96 – 9/13/18Rescued 1/9/98   Mac was brought here by his owner to be boarded because of zoning laws changing in his owner’s home town, but that was many years ago. He now has a permanent home at Big Cat Rescue and enjoys a 1200 square foot lush Cat.a.tat with a large cave…

Aspen Echo

Aspen Echo Female Cougar 8/30/97 – 7/14/17   Aspen sports the kinked tail and mid-back cowlick that are common to the Florida Panther. She also has a very reddish hue to her coat. Aspen is definitely one of the more hyper active cougars at Big Cat Rescue. She has no trouble at all entertaining herself…

Sassyfrass Cougar

Sassyfrass Male Cougar DOB  1/1/1998 – 9/27/2016 Rescued  11/17/2010 Sassyfrass Cougar had been in kidney failure for a while, but was being kept comfortable with pain killers for his arthritis and lots of water and frozen blood ‘cicles to keep him hydrated.  I knew he was declining when he didn’t stalk my mother on Saturday.  She’s…



Female CougarDOB 1/1/97 – 2/3/16Rescued 1/8/2010 Rescue of Narla the Cougar: This is a letter from someone who knew the Loppi’s.  This person below, wanted us to know that Rob was well intended and I post it here as an example of how even the best intentions usually end up bad for the exotic animal….


Tobi Female Cougar DOB 3/1/91 Rescued 8/18/95 Died 10/22/15 at the old, old age of 24 She is the perfect example of why it never works out to make a pet of a wild cat.  In her case there was a husband and wife who had lots of money, larger than usual cages and who…



Cody Male Cougar DOB 1/1/96 – 10/1/14 Rescued 1/21/00 Cody and Missouri were rescued as a result of a divorce, in which they became the unwanted and abandoned dependents. They arrived here on January 21, 2000 and were filmed for Jack Hanna’s Wild Adventures which aired on May 6, 2000. Cody is very handsome. He and…