

POISONING Exotic cats are like two year old children their entire lives. Everything they see will end up in their mouths and a lot of it won’t be good. We had a sick Serval who eventually died from cancer, who we had to force-feed every meal for seven months. It was an all out battle…


COLD EXPOSURE, FROSTBITE AND HYPOTHERMIA Chilling to a newborn or young kitten can quickly lead to death. The most common cause of hypothermia that we have encountered is to get up at 6:00 a.m. and go out to check on a very pregnant female only to discover that she has given birth…


DEHYDRATION Dehydration can be the result of exposure, prolonged disease, injury or any other cause that prevents the cat from sufficiently retaining body fluids. As blood is the stream of life, it is important to keep it flowing to all parts of the body. A sick or injured cat may refuse to eat. In the…


BURNS Burns can be caused from excessive heat, electrical shock, chemicals and too much sun. The severity depends upon the exposure and depth of the burn. A superficial burn is indicated by redness, blistering, slight swelling and tenderness. A deep burn looks white and the fur falls out easily in the affected area. A deep…