white serval

Serval Facts

Serval Facts

Serval Common Name: ServalKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: Chordata (Vertebrata)Class: MammaliaOrder: CarnivoraFamily: FelidaeGenus: Felinae (Leptailurus)Species: Serval (L.s. constantina)Barbary Serval thought to now be Extinct Misc: The name Serval is derived from a Portuguese word meaning “wolf-deer.” Size and Appearance: Often referred to as the cat of spare parts, this unusual, but beautiful cat is among the feline family’s…


Pharaoh Male White Serval 4/22/99 – 2/15/2021 Pharaoh the 21 year old white serval crossed over the Rainbow Bridge today as Jamie Veronica kissed his sleeping face. He was euthanized after the last round of drugs and supportive care proved incapable of turning back the hands of time. Dr. Liz Wynn came to help make…



Tonga Male White Serval5/21/97 – 8/23/18 To our knowledge, only two white servals exist in the world:  Tonga and his brother Pharaoh.  The white coat is just the outward indication of the deleterious effects of inbreeding.  Tonga was 15 years old when he was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. Although most arise without antecedent cause, in many species,…