Cat Poems and Poetry About Loving and Losing Cats

a blanket of my love

and keep them for my best friend

until we meet above.


~Author Unknown~



To Love Again


Oh what unhappy twist of fate

Has brought you homeless to my gate,

The gate where once another stood

To beg for shelter warmth and food?


For from that day I ceased to be

The master of my destiny,

While she, with purr and velvet paw

Became within my house the law.


She scratched the furniture and shed

And claimed the middle of my bed,

She ruled in arrogance and pride

And broke my heart the day she died.


So if you really think, oh cat

I’d willingly relive all that,

Because you come forlorn and thin

Well don’t just stand there – come on in!


~Author Unknown~



What Cats Would Say to God


And God asked the feline spirit

Are you ready to come home?

Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul

And, as a cat, you know I am most able

To decide anything for myself.


Are you coming then? asked God.

Soon, replied the whiskered angel

But I must come slowly

For my human friends are troubled

For you see, they need me, quite certainly.


But don’t they understand? asked God

That you’ll never leave them?

That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?

That nothing is created or destroyed?

It just is….forever and ever and ever.


Eventually they will understand,

Replied the glorious cat

For I will whisper into their hearts

That I am always with them

I just am….forever and ever and ever.


Author Unknown

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  1. Dia De Los Muertos, a RAINBOW Event


    Once upon a time, in the land of make believe, some Rainbow Cats got together to discuss All Hallows’ Eve.

    HOOVER TIGER The Governor of Tampagetti, summoned all Cats to the table. They talked all night long about an honorable fable. Dia de los Muertos is not just for humans, but all manor of animals who inhabit the lands. The animal
    guides accompany spirits on their journey and assure, that the the spirits will all stay safe and secure.

    TJ TIGER was excited, anticipating a dip in the lake, and the giant splash he intended to make. Then SETH TIGER chimed in and said “I’ll go for a swim!” and ANDRE and ARTHUR TIGERS said ” we’re swimming with him!” Sassy AMANDA TIGRESS was
    ready for fun, so she jumped right in too, to get her job done.

    PHARAOH SERVAL said a little white ghost would be great, so he’d volunteer services and would keep the date! PURRFECTION OCELOT said they needed some glam, so she fetched her most beautiful coat to wear for the cams. But SAPPHIRE TIGRESS challenged her saying that her coat was “the one” to make spirits happy, so she joined in the fun.

    CAM and BU had been out for a walk, when they heard the excitement and said “We’ve got to talk! For you can’t have a celebration without including the Queen! Go get NIKITA LIONESS, lets make it a special Halloween!” JOSEPH LION said “Not without me!” and KING TUTT SAVANAH said he had the golden key! KRICKET SERVAL said don’t leave me behind, and TIGER LILLY BOBCAT said she’d even come out from her vines. SERVI SERVAL said to save her a place, and she would be sure to lend them her grace.

    Soon the LEOPARDS heard of the quest and ARMANI, SUNDARI and NATALIA came too, to offer their services, and all they could do. The PUMA CUBS heard of it then, so ARES, ORION and ARTEMIS came out of their den. RUNNING BEAR
    and VENKMAN BOBS, aware of the fuss, said “just wait a minute, don’t leave without us!”

    So all of the Cats got ready to go, and the spirits were grateful more than you know.

    And the Rainbow Cats of Big Cat Rescue all got together to say “WE HOPE YOU WILL HAVE A MAGICAL HALLOWEEN DAY” Be safe out there, we’ll be watching!


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