
When cats die we move them off the /catbio page to this category because many of our supporters want to still access the pages and leave tributes to the cats in the comments.



Brooksville Wild Bobcat Rescue, Othello WILD BOBCAT RESCUE – Feb 23, 2020 – At 9:56 am the Hernando County Sheriff called saying a bobcat had been hit by a car and couldn’t use his back legs. They agreed to stay with the cat and keep people from harassing the bobcat until we could get there….


Orion Male CougarDOB 10/1/0510/28/05 – 2/10/20 Saying Goodbye to Orion Cougar On Feb. 10, 2020 we brought Orion back in to see the vet.  On Nov. 17, 2019 he had seen the vet for vomiting, and again on Dec. 2 for inappetence and a couple times more for the same.  His blood work showed his…


Artemis Female Cougar10/1/05 – 1/26/20 January 26, 2020, Artemis Cougar has been euthanized. When she was reported as vomiting and not eating, Dr. Justin Boorstein decided to come in today (1/26/20), instead of waiting another day. We are glad he did. Her blood work showed her kidney disease to be absolutely off the charts and…

Zimba Serval

Zimba Serval

Zimba Male Serval DOB 1/1/1998 Rescued 4/29/2011 Died 12/30/19 21 year old Zimba Serval came in a few months ago when his health was declining and his kidney values were bad, but during his recheck today they were off the charts bad, despite being fed many small meals a day and being on the great…



Andi Female Bobcat DOB 4/22/97 Arrived at Big Cat Rescue  11/30/01 Died 12/30/19.  In October of 2019 we discovered that Andi had bone cancer in her jaw after she had seen the vet for chewing issues.  We extracted the bad teeth, but knew that it would only be a matter of time before she would…

Tom Tom

Tom Tom

Female Bobcat 1/1/1999 – 04/14/2021 Date of Rescue: 9/8/2019 Despite her name, Tom Tom is a female bobcat and is one of our senior citizens, born in 1999. She came to us at age 20 in 2019 with three other cats from a California facility that closed down. Vet reports from California indicated difficulty getting…



Sundari Female Leopard DOB 11/15/96 Died 12/27/19 Sundari Leopard was euthanized 12/27/19. Her 23 year old body has been giving out on her, and we’ve managed her pain as best we could, but it reached a point where we could no longer offer her a life worth living. Thank you to everyone who made her…


Pharaoh Male White Serval 4/22/99 – 2/15/2021 Pharaoh the 21 year old white serval crossed over the Rainbow Bridge today as Jamie Veronica kissed his sleeping face. He was euthanized after the last round of drugs and supportive care proved incapable of turning back the hands of time. Dr. Liz Wynn came to help make…



Keisha Tigress Born 6/25/2000 Rescued 5/28/2014Crossed the Rainbow Bridge 11/13/2019   Keisha was the second generation of tigers born at that facility and some reports state than five generations were born there over the years. Keisha is missing a portion of her ear and her entire tail. JnK volunteers reported that she lost both to…

Kricket Serval

Kricket Female Serval4/1/2001 – 8/16/2022 She was 21Rescued 3/11/2011 Kricket the serval was born in 2001 and had been kept as a pet, but when her owners divorced, the wife decided that she didn’t have time for Kricket and began looking for a home for her. We agreed to rescue Kricket and began preparing an…