News @ BCR

If a big cat sneezes in the world, you will find out about it here.  Hover over the images to get the news.


Why does the cat have mats? Most exotic cats live to be 10-12 in the wild and in most other captive situations.  At Big Cat Rescue our average age, at time of death, is 18 and we have had some tigers, leopards, bobcats, ocelots and others live into their mid twenties.  One cat lived to…

Zabu Tiger Nearly Drowns

Zabu Tiger Nearly Drowns Doing one dental procedure in a month is a nail biter for us. Doing 6 in two days was going to push us to the limits of what we thought possible, but nothing prepared us for how things can go sideways in an instant. The Peter Emily International Veterinary Dental Foundation…

Cyrus and Chaos Reunited

The two had been separated when they arrived at Big Cat Rescue.  Chaos was spayed and Cyrus has been neutered. During their separation time, Cyrus remained very interested in watching Chaos and napping in the areas of his cages that faced hers.  Chaos, pretty much ignored Cyrus. Monday, August 21, 2017 the tunnel doors separating…



Olesya Tiger is Rescued from Darkness   Sometimes it takes years to see the fruits of our labor, so when that day comes, it is particularly sweet.  Back on December 27, 2014 a person contacted us saying, “First, I would like to provide you the background detail of this situation.  Russian and Iranian wildlife biologists…