News @ BCR

If a big cat sneezes in the world, you will find out about it here.  Hover over the images to get the news.

Phoenix Rehab

Phoenix Rehab

Phoenix and Captiva (Warning to chicken lovers, there is a photo on the page of the bobcat eating a chick.  These chicks arrive frozen and are the byproduct of the egg industry.  All male chicks are usually disposed of at birth.  We buy them to feed our cats because whole prey is the most wholesome…

Elephant in the Living Room

Elephant in the Living Room

Watch Online for FREE! Now available on Hulu, the runaway hit documentary The Elephant in the Living Room is streaming online for FREE! The film won FIVE “best documentary” awards as is wonderful to watch. AND, you can help change the mindset of our culture about private ownership of dangerous animals by rating the…

Bobcat Calls

Bobcat Calls

It’s not even 2 days into the new year and I got another bobcat call. I was on my way in to work when I got a call from our Gift Shop that a man had walked in and asked if we were missing a bobcat.  I’m always surprised at how many Floridians don’t know that…

Giving Tuesday 2015

Giving Tuesday 2015

The cats at Big Cat Rescue are ROARING about #GivingTuesday tomorrow! All of our cats are ROARING their approval that Big Cat Rescue will be participating in #GivingTuesday this year – tomorrow, Tuesday December 1!! If you’re not familiar with #GivingTuesday, it’s the Tuesday following Black Friday and Cyber Monday and is designed to be…

Caging Big Cats

Caging Big Cats

CAGING   Because we are the leader in trying to ban the private breeding and possession of big cats, and the breeders and exhibitors have no basis for the exploitation except greed, their only way to fight back is to disparage Big Cat Rescue. At times they show photos of a small part of an enclosure…


Big Cat Rescue Watch

FWC Reports NO Violations at Big Cat Rescue   The exotic animal exploiters who attack Big Cat Rescue online due to our efforts to end the mistreatment of exotic animals in private hands have posted an inspection by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) conducted on November 7, 2014. This was a very…