News @ BCR

If a big cat sneezes in the world, you will find out about it here.  Hover over the images to get the news.

Joe Schreibvogel / Beth Corley at Marquette Mall Exploiting Tiger Cubs

Traveling show thrills some, troubles others   Hanna Lucas (right) and her sister, Breanna, Michigan City, spent 8 minutes playing with 10-week-old Indochinese tiger cubs Destiny and Karma on Thursday night at Marquette Mall. Here, they feed Karma, a female cub. Photo by Alicia Ebaugh   By Alicia Ebaugh Staff Writer   Published: Saturday, December…

Cubs at Mall and in Newspaper Appall Customers

Letter: Animals exhibit’s photo appalling   Anonymous The Herald Bulletin Fri Apr 08, 2011, 10:11 PM EDT Last October, when a group currently billing itself as Big Cat Rescue Entertainment brought a traveling exotic cat exhibit to Mounds Mall, The Herald Bulletin ran an enlightening article about the exhibit of baby tigers and the exhibitor,…

WEDU 2013 Vote

WEDU 2013 Vote

NIKITA wants you to VOTE! … Would you argue?     Please vote for “10 Reasons Why Big Cats Make Bad Pets” in the video category of WEDU television’s non-profit awards!   VOTE HERE: (Click on BCR & scroll down to the VOTE button:)   If we win, WEDU will play our video during…

Animal Lover Dream Vacation Winner Review of Big Cat Rescue

Animal Lover Dream Vacation Winners   Hear what the 2012 Animal Lover Dream Vacation winners said about their trip of a lifetime:   “Winning the Animal Lover’s Dream Vacation truly was like a dream for me. I’ve always loved big cats and have supported BCR for several years. Seeing the cats again was awesome and…

DC Fly In 2013

DC Fly In 2013

Big Cat Rescue and IFAW’s DC Fly In 2013   On November 17, 2013 Big Cat Rescue invited 15 of their most outspoken AdvoCats, who were in key congressional districts, to come to Washington, DC for two days. The first day was spent going over the issues, talking points and making sure everyone understood the…