News @ BCR

If a big cat sneezes in the world, you will find out about it here.  Hover over the images to get the news.

Sentencing Statement

Sentencing Statement

The conviction of Mr. Schreibvogel Maldonado Passage was made based upon only a handful of vivid examples of his malicious intent to murder me.  The prosecution didn’t need to present the daily barrage of threats to harm, rape or kill me that were my daily experience for the past ten years.  The evidence showed that…

What Joe Exotic’s Sentence Means to Me

What Joe Exotic’s Sentence Means to Me

This photo of Howie and me is from our honeymoon in 2004 when I wrote our 20 year plan to end the abuse of big cats. I like the octo-puss tenacles that represent reaching into every dark market the cats faced: cub petting, fur, circus, canned hunts, night club acts, inbreeding for color morphs, zoos, trafficking in their parts and private ownership. My vision of a world where all wild cats live free is one step closer today.

Joe Exotic Convicted for Murder for Hire & 17 Wildlife Trafficking Violations Sentenced to 22 Years in Federal Pen

Joe Exotic Convicted for Murder for Hire & 17 Wildlife Trafficking Violations Sentenced to 22 Years in Federal Pen

Convicted & Sentenced to 22 Years in the Federal Penitentiary! 1/22/19 See quotes, photo and video at How Carole Baskin Feels About It: 4/2/2019 – I am grateful that justice was served and Joe Schreibvogel-Maldonado-Passage hopefully will serve time in prison and no longer present a threat either to me or to his…



Guatemala Circus Tiger Rescue On Feb. 7, 2018 was the first time we heard about the circus tigers in Guatemala.  It was Daily Mail story telling about how a 55 year old man had both his arms ripped off by starving tigers, who ate them as villagers threw rocks and beat the cats with sticks. …

The Tigers Next Door

The Tigers Next Door

Sharon Guynup’s article, The Tigers Next Door, in the 12.2019 issue of National Geographic is so well researched, documented and written that Carole wants everyone to read it. The images by her partner, Steve Winter, show tigers in places where you might never expect them to be. We want you to have a hard copy…