Guatemala Circus Tigers


Guatemala Circus Tiger Rescue

On Feb. 7, 2018 was the first time we heard about the circus tigers in Guatemala.  It was Daily Mail story telling about how a 55 year old man had both his arms ripped off by starving tigers, who ate them as villagers threw rocks and beat the cats with sticks.  The circus had been banned in Guatemala, thanks to efforts by Animal Defenders International.  The tigers were supposed to be turned over to authorities, but instead the Ponce circus, and others, went on the run.  On Oct. 29, 2018 we heard the Ponce circus tigers were still starving and we asked ADI if they were able to find them.

Circus wagon Max, Simba and Kimba

By November 11, 2018 ADI was able to announce that they got the last 6 tigers out of the Ponce circus.  The big cats were transferred to a temporary rescue camp that Big Cat Rescue helped fund and the laborious process of obtaining export and import permits began.  In all ADI rescued six lions and 15 tigers from the rogue circuses.  Big Cat Rescue funded the care of three tigers, Kimba, Simba and Max during their ordeal.  At first other sanctuaries had agreed to do the same, but did not supply the funding necessary, so ADI began building their own rescue center in S. Africa for the other 18 big cats.

Fast forward a full year and on November 19, 2019 we were finally able to announce the arrival flight has been set for Nov. 25, 2019.  Their long ordeal of suffering in a circus, being left to starve, being rescued and transferred to rescue camps and finally making the long flight across the Gulf of Mexico is nearly over.

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Meet the Tigers

KimbaGuatemala Circus Tigers

Name:  Kimba

Species: Panthera tigris (Bengal)

Sex: Male, complete.

Age: 1.5 years (upon arrival)

Date of entry:

13 June 2018

Family relation:

Unknown (although all Ponce animals closely related)

Distinguishing Marks:

A cut in the top edge of the left ear.

Has claws.


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Guatemala Circus TigersName:  Max

Species: Panthera tigris (Bengal)

Sex: Male, complete

Age: 8 years old (on date of arrival)

Date of entry:

13 June 2018

Family relation:

Unknown (but all Ponce tigers closely related)

Distinguishing marks:

scar on his front (4 cm approximately),

scar in the left portion of the face between the eye and the ear.

Has claws.


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Guatemala Circus TigersName:  Simba

Species:   Panthera tigris (Bengal)

Sex:  Male, complete

Age:   8 years (on arrival at TRC)

Date of entry:

13 June 2018

Family relation:

Unknown (although all Ponce tigers are closely related)

Distinguishing marks:

Appearance of cataract in the left eye, small cuts along top of right ear; forelimbs without claws.


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