Big Cat Rescue Goes Green
It Doesn't Get Any Greener Than This
Big Cat Rescue is committed to protecting exotic cats from captivity and in the wild and some may think that we put cats ahead of people, but that's not true. Protecting habitat where cats live free is crucial to saving the planet for all of us because our forests are our planet's lungs. We have tried to reduce our impact on the globe by installing two huge solar arrays, thanks to the help of some wonderful donors. These solar panels helped us reduce our dependency on dirty fuels and are a focal point on tours to get people thinking about what they can do to walk more softly on the earth.This week Arcadia Power made it possible for Big Cat Rescue to completely switch to clean energy! It took about 5 minutes, and will only cost us about $20.00 a month over our typical electric bill for the entire sanctuary. (For a regular house, it's more like $7.50 a month over your regular bill) There was nothing to install, no hassle, no red tape; just a quick call and a simple contract that can be freely terminated at any time (if we want to go back to using the dirty stuff).Arcadia Power is the first nationwide Clean Energy utility option. By partnering with wind and solar projects, Arcadia Power provides homes and businesses with 100% pollution-free energy via local utilities. Members support their values through their monthly electricity bills, decreasing demand for fossil fuels and helping to grow American jobs. Arcadia Power partners with sustainability-minded companies and organizations to combat climate change and secure a better future for our planet. To see if it is available to you visit and just type in your zip code to check.
How Big Cat Rescue Went Completely Green
It works like this:Once power reaches the grid, the electricity is indistinguishable – just a bunch of charged particles zipping around – and no one can specifically direct an electron from a wind turbine to your home. What matters is how those electrons are produced, and that’s something you can influence.When you sign up for clean energy with Arcadia Power, you’ll ensure that for every kWh of electricity you use, a kWh is produced and put on the grid by a pollution-free renewable source. You get the same reliability from your local utility, and one consolidated monthly statement. It’s that simple. We are proud to announce that Big Cat Rescue is now running on 100% clean energy! We wanted to share with you our support of an environmentally friendly lifestyle, and encourage you to do the same.
Every year on average, your home will use electricity generated by burning 4,000 pounds of coal. This releases nearly 10,000 pounds of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere and furthers the devastating effects of climate change. This equates to the same as driving an extra 11,000 miles a year, or cutting down 190 trees. Arcadia power provides an option for purchasing clean and renewable energy sources that will bring your CO2 emissions down to zero.We are in the business of protecting wild cats and their habitats, so it is important to us that we have partnerships with businesses that feel the same way. Big Cat Rescue is proud to be a Clean Energy Partner! Running our business on clean energy seems like a small price to pay for doing the right thing today and investing in the environment of tomorrow.The sign up takes just 5 minutes, and when you do, you’ll get a Big Cat Rescue Free Pass right in your welcome packet.
We are running on 100% Clean Energy – join us! It’s a win-win for everyone!
Learn More About Going Green
Big Cat Rescue is now running on 100% Clean Energy and is supporting the production and demand of renewable energy sources. We are partnering with Arcadia Power and so should you! Sign up to run your home on clean energy and get a $36.00 Free Pass to Big Cat Rescue.
How it works: Arcadia Power purchases clean energy equal to your usage, but your local utility continues to deliver it to your home. You still receive just one power bill every month, and the same reliability that you’re used to, but your footprint is reduced to zero.
In just one year, the average American home’s electricity use generates over 10,000 pounds of carbon pollution per year. With Arcadia Power, you can reduce your home's carbon footprint to 0, and go green in under 5 minutes.
It’s little-known to most people that not only does fossil-fuel electricity generation add greenhouses gases to our atmosphere, but also uses 0.49 gallons of water for every kilowatt hour produced, which for the average household is around 5000 gallons of water wasted per year.
Choosing clean energy is a natural option for socially responsible people, just like buying local, organic or fair trade.
The average household uses just over 10,000 kWh of electricity per year, reducing your home’s impact to zero through clean energy with Arcadia Power would be equivalent of:
Biking over 11,000 miles instead of driving, or for the average American, 580 days of not driving to work.
Planting 190 trees.
34 years of not turning on your coffee maker.
55 years of not using your hair dryer.
Arcadia Power is a first-of-its-kind company giving homeowners access to the same energy markets where Apple, Whole Foods, and Google buy their clean energy.
Through Arcadia Power, you support renewable energy facilities across the country – from commercial wind farms to school solar projects – and ensure they’re putting clean energy on the grid.
You support job creation and the clean economy.
Clean energy for the average Arcadia Power customer costs about 25 cents per day for the average customer.
No contract or commitment, and no need to install anything.
You don't need to own your home: Arcadia Power works with rentals, apartments, condos & small businesses too. If you pay an electricity bill, you can use it for good.
We are running on 100% Clean Energy – join us! It’s a win-win for everyone! For those who will inevitably scream,
"What about the birds?!?" please consider the fact that failing to embrace clean energy sources means we destroy the entire planet for us AND the birds.Here are some numbers based on studies (coal is much harder on birds than wind):
Big Cat Rescue Adopted Solar in 2012
Just as a reminder, Big Cat Rescue has been green for a long time. Back in June of 2012 we installed our first solar array and then added another one later. Find out more at
2024 Note: When Big Cat Rescue sold the grounds we donated the solar panels to other non profits.