Flavio Tiger
Male Siberian/Bengal Tiger
Born 1989 - Died 1/5/2014
Arrived at Big Cat Rescue 1/1/2002
Flavio arrived at Big Cat Rescue in 2002 after retiring from the circus. He was hailed as the smartest circus tiger ever known. He performed a light and music number flawlessly for years until he decided one day that he didn't like the other tigers and all he wanted to do was fight.
Perhaps he really was the smartest circus tiger because that bought him a ticket to retirement with us.
He was known here as having the loudest voice of any of our tigers. What sounds like loud moaning was actually just his way of communicating with all of us.
Whenever anyone approached, he would spend as much time as you’d give him talking loudly.
Flavio the world's oldest tiger crossed over to the land of love and comfort in January 2014 aged 25 years. He will be missed dearly by all the volunteers and staff at Big Cat Rescue, we're so glad that he spent his final 12 years at the sanctuary living the best life possible in captivity after retiring from the circus.
Thank you to all of our supporters who helped us provide Flavio with the best care in his final years...
Flavio Tiger in Big Cat Rescue’s Vacation Rotation
Flavio Tiger at Big Cat Rescue by pond
Flavio Tiger at Big Cat Rescue
Flavio Tiger at Big Cat Rescue by fountain
Flavio Tiger at Big Cat Rescue by fountain
Flavio Tiger at Big Cat Rescue playing in fountain
Flavio Tiger at Big Cat Rescue playing in fountain
Flavio Tiger at Big Cat Rescue playing in fountain
Flavio Tiger at Big Cat Rescue playing in fountain
Flavio Tiger at Big Cat Rescue playing in fountain
Flavio Tiger at Big Cat Rescue playing in fountain
Flavio Tiger at Big Cat Rescue playing in fountain
Tributes to Flavio Tiger
Unknown Jan 31, 2014 I'm missing you a lot more today since I found a pin that was given to me with my favorite picture of you on it. Although I only met you once or twice you still captured my heart with your deep wise eyes and gorgeous features. You lived well into your years and it makes me happy to know that you lived long enough to continue to touch the lives of those around you. Flavio, you smart and handsome boy, rest peacefully in fields of purple flowers. Much love is still carried your way from these hearts which you touched.
Lynda Licht Jan 13, 2014 On Tuesday I fed you in the lockout you decided on. I asked you to wait while I dropped the door and you did - so polite. You ate your red and passed on the mush, leaving it for the ibis. I looked back and you had laid down so as to watch me futz with Amanda, Arthur and Andre. I could swear you were grinning at my attempts to open their tunnels without eliciting ear-shattering roars. You just were you. On Sunday I paid a visit, asking you about your life before I knew you - in your glory days. Your calm expression told me there was no need to relive the past, that this moment was enough. You were just you. Farewell beloved Flavio. Much love remains.
Regina Rinaldi Jan 10, 2014 Flavio, I was with you just before your life ended, and I got to take a few pics of you, but I knew you were ready. I could look at you and tell. I've lost my two favorite tigers in 3 months. My heart is broken into pieces. I love you Fabio. You had a long life, longer than most, and I'm grateful for the extra time you gave us to unconditionally love you. Thanks for the memories of seeing an old tiger flirt with a beauty named Bella and watching the video of you playing in the fountain. Run with Bella and both of you watch over us at BCR. Forever loved and missed.
Unknown Jan 10, 2014 Sir Flavio, I didn't have the opportunity to help take care of you, but I know you were one in a million tigers, may your soul be at peace. You will be missed, RIP
Regina Turgeon Jan 9, 2014 Even though I never really got to meet him, he will sadly be missed!
Pam Rodriguez Jan 9, 2014 Another beautiful cat has passed. Even though I am Partner, I was able to visit Flavio whenever I was at BCR. He was always ready to give a "chuff", and that I will miss. Thank you to all who took such wonderful care of Flavio.
Lauren Buckingham Jan 7, 2014 Flavio was always the perfect gentleman and i feel blessed and honoured to have known him for the short time i did. Every morning he would be there to chuff and greet the interns on the walk to work and he always made the effort to come and say hi regardless of how he was feeling. He had such amazing character and will be greatly missed by all. He leaves behind a gap at big cat that cannot be filled but will forever be in our hearts. Run free Flavio!
Susan Bass Jan 7, 2014 I'm so thankful that Flavio was able to go on vacation and, as Carole had so eloquently stated a few months ago, "have an uninterrupted view of the sky." The picture of him above playing in the fountain like a cub is my Facebook cover photo. This is how I will remember our record-breaking old boy. Run free and happy Flavio!!
Unknown Jan 7, 2014 Can't stop the tears--so silly.
Flavio Tiger in circus wagon
Flavio Tiger in circus wagon
Flavio Tiger in circus wagon
Flavio Tiger yawning and showing his fangs and teeth
Flavio Tiger yawning and showing his fangs and teeth
Flavio Tiger playing with a pumpkin in his pond
Desmond. Fowles Jan 7, 2014 Flavio oh Flavio The oldest tiger that I know At last the time has come to go So rest in peace old Flavio.
Jennifer Ruszczyk Jan 6, 2014 I will never forget when you and Bengali arrived at Big Cat Rescue. Shear Kahn was the big male tiger and he knew exactly when you arrived. He roared to make sure you both knew he was still in charge. During your time at Big Cat Rescue you learned to fit in and became one of the cats in charge. You won the hearts of many of our volunteers and supporters. As you got older and slower we got to spend more time sitting at the side of your enclosure having long conversations (you sure liked to talk and chuff). I am thankful you got to spend your last days basking in the sun and even got to play in a water fountain. I will miss you terribly but am so lucky to have had you come into my life.
Marie Schoubert Jan 6, 2014 There are no words in any language that can express my feelings right now! Flavio is gone! Paradise is now taking care of our Flavio, our Angel... I know he will be loved as much as we do here... We will never forget you Flavio, say hello to all the others and tell them that we love them all. Chuff in peace now and for ever!
Flavio Tiger being transported by volunteers
Flavio Tiger being transported by volunteers
Flavio Tiger at Big Cat Rescue in 2.5 enclosure
Flavio Tiger at Big Cat Rescue in 2.5 enclosure
Flavio Tiger at Big Cat Rescue in 2.5 enclosure
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