
Female Margay

Born 6/6/82 - Died 7/1999

Arrived at Big Cat Rescue 6/6/93


Kahlua came to Big Cat Rescue on 6/6/93, with André, a male Margay. She was supposed to be six years old when we got her, but one of our volunteers had known her for at least twelve years when she lived at Savage Kingdom. She was already missing half her teeth when we got her, but she has always been a strong cat and this doesn’t seem to hamper her. She was too rough with André to leave them together except when she was in heat, which is only a few times a year, for a few days at a time.

Sadly, Andre died of old age and Kahlua died in July of 1999 at the age of 17.  She will be greatly missed by all of us here at Big Cat Rescue.  She was the last of the Margays living at Big Cat Rescue.

Even though they are gone now, they still speak to us in the wind that rustles through the trees that were their home.  They understand that all that is, or was or will be is made up of energy.  Some people describe God the same way;  All the was, All that is and All that will be.  Energy can never be created nor destroyed and it lives in all things and through all things as the silver thread that connects all of us. We are all a part of this energy and our thoughts are what shape the physical world.

Humans only use 5% of their mind's amazing ability.  The power of the mind is the last frontier and using it to your fullest capacity will teach you that there is nothing that you cannot do or be or have.

In 2005 we donated to Margay Conservation in Brazil and in 2006 began a Conservation program in South America to save the margay.  Your donations help us care for the cats we have rescued and save wild places for wild cats.  Find out more at BigCatRescue.org/insitu

Tributes To Kahlua Margay



