Big Cat Rescue

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Marbled Cat Conservation

July 19, 2023 We just got this update from the field on conservation work to save the Marbled Cat that you helped us fund if you are a donor to Big Cat Rescue. We were able to send $9000.00 in 2022. See more of our insitu work here

Dear Howard, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to share some exciting news with you. Last Sunday, we celebrated the official recognition of the marbled cat status in our village in West Siang district, where we are actively working on conserving marbled cats. The village head unveiled a magnificent statue in the heart of the village, symbolizing our unwavering commitment to safeguarding these remarkable small wild cats in the surrounding jungles. It was a momentous occasion for our team who is working in Arunachal Pradesh.

The village head, in a display of strong leadership, encouraged fellow villagers to take a solemn pledge to protect these precious cats. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and I am thrilled to see such wholehearted support from our community. The sculpture was made by a local artist from a nearby village. 

This marks the first step in our mission to make a difference in this region. I have every confidence that our efforts will resonate far and wide, benefiting both our local communities and the magnificent wildlife that inhabits our lands. 

Please check the pictures attached. Thank you for your support, Howard. Regards, Giridhar Malla

Photos of the Ceremony to Honor the Marbled Cat in West Siang

Dear Giridhar Malla,

We here at Big Cat Rescue were absolutely thrilled to receive your wonderful update on the marbled cat conservation efforts in the West Siang district. It was so heartwarming and inspiring to hear about the community coming together to unveil the magnificent statue symbolizing a commitment to protecting these remarkable wild cats.

Seeing the village head encourage everyone to take a solemn pledge to safeguard the marbled cats was incredibly moving. The overwhelmingly positive response from the villagers is a powerful testament to how meaningful this project is to the community. As funders and supporters of this critical initiative through Big Cat Rescue, we were overjoyed to see such wholehearted support and can't wait to share it and your wonderful photos with our supporters.

The locally crafted statue is a stunning emblem of your shared mission to preserve your region's precious natural heritage. The pictures you sent look remarkable - what a proud moment it must have been for you and the entire team to have your hard work culminate in this milestone occasion.

You should feel so gratified to have inspired and unified your community around marbled cat conservation. Saving these magnificent creatures requires participation from every level, and you have managed to bring that spirit to life in West Siang district.

Please accept our heartfelt congratulations on this achievement, Giridhar Malla. Your dedication and commitment are truly making a difference for the marbled cats. Keep up the excellent work - we are so proud to support you. For the cats, Carole Baskin, CEO of Big Cat Rescue