Zza Zza
Zza Zza the Ocelot
Female Ocelot
Born 1/1/97 - Died 1/14/2010
Zza Zza the Ocelot
Zza Zza’s mother was so ardent about cleaning her up when she was born that she bit off her tail instead of her umbilical cord! So she sports a much shorter tail than the other ocelots at Big Cat Rescue. Zza Zza is very shy and is happy to have her new big cage where she can climb and stalk and do all the things a busy Ocelot likes to do! One of Zza Zza’s favorite treats are frozen bunnies. She will proudly carry them off to her den like she just took it down herself. Then she will pluck it of its fur before beginning to eat her prize.She appeared to be curled up and sleeping in her cat-a-tat this morning when Marie went to clean her cage, but it looks as though Zza Zza has died in her sleep.
Zza Zza was 13 years old and I don't remember her ever being sick a day in her life.
Oh dear little Zza Zza! I have such happy memories of her playing with her bunnies and rats and enjoying enrichment! I have spent much time trying to spot her in her big den box only to discover her, easy to see, in her little den box was 'redecorated' with pine straw and pine boughs. Another of our cherished ones that is now free from a confining cage. Zza Zza please continue to play with your food over the Rainbow Bridge...Lisa, Volunteer Senior Keeper
oh no!!! I saw her last night devouring her rat. My little Zza Zza. The first time i cleaned her after she moved to the bigger enclosure, she came out and was walking around her new enclosure, and she turned to me as if she hadn't realized i was there, and she came over and started rubbing under her chin on the cage wire and it reminded me of the way Snoopy used to dance in the Peanuts cartoons. I just laughed and savored the rare moment with Zza Zza.
Run free little one, Adonis will walk with you....Regina, Volunteer Senior Keeper
I loved being able to spend many mornings doing operant with this feisty little girl for the past 2 years. I will definitely miss that, her low growl as we did the commands. Zsa Zsa was very smart and would learn easily. She was definitely enjoying her new big den and the ability to hide within it. I will miss her little pink nose as she patiently waited to get her treats!! She was an ocelot through and through....growly no matter what. I will miss her playing with her food too. I am so thankful that I got the chance to know this beautiful little ocelot girl, she was a joy to work with and care for. I will miss her dearly, but know that she was very much loved even by those here at BCR who never really saw her. While we had the privilege to care for her she had the best available to her, however now there are no confines placed on her by man or circumstance. She is finally able to be free as she was designed to be. She will now have full function with no handicap, not that she ever let her "funny foot" stop her. I am thankful that she went quietly as that was her way. Say hi to Sultan for us little one..... We will miss you, thank you for all of the good ocelot talks..Honey, Volunteer Senior Keeper
Honey hit on the button when she said she was much loved by those who really never got to see her. Being a red shirt partner I rarely get out to see the cats. But do hear the story's of the ones I don,t get to see. Zza Zza will be missed even when are paths never crossed...Teri, Volunteer Partner
More Memorials at https://bigcatrescue.org/memorials