King Tut, sometimes called Tutters Butters is giving Keeper Tory that "Whatever" look. ~Keeper Tory Wright

King Tut

hear big cats

Male Savannah Cat
1/1/2009 – 5/3/2022
Arrived 10/16/2012

King Tut has long dealt with a neurological condition that we were never able to treat fully.  In the end, his lab reports showed a thyroid condition that we tried to treat, but by May of 2022 he had lost his will to fight the underlying issues and stopped eating.  Hybrid cats should never be bred as they almost always have lives full of digestion distress that are ultimately cut short by factors that veterinary medicine is incapable of diagnosing or treating.  Nature never intended servals to be bred to house cats.  If people had any idea what a miserable life that is for the cats, and how heartbreaking it ends up to be for the cat’s caregivers, surely they would stop buying fancy designer cats.  Learn more at

For those who knew and loved King Tut, please leave your tributes to him in the comments below.

King Tut’s Vet Visit 4/12/2022

King Tut Goes Back Home 4/21/2022

King Tut’s Medical Issues

CSF Tap 2015

Results if inflammation is present are consistent with a mild neutrophilic pleocytosis, which can be seen with a variety of conditions, including acute non-inflammatory diseases (intervertebral disc disease, spinal trauma, cervical spondylomyelopathy, fibrocartilaginous embolism), infectious diseases (septic meningoencephalitis or discospondylitis, fungal diseases, rickettsial diseases, FIP, canine distemper, protozoa), other inflammatory/degenerative conditions (steroid-responsive meningitis, necrotizing vasculitis, CNS necrosis, granulomatous meningoencephalitis) or neoplasia.

Fluid Analysis from Mass on Hip 2018

Keratin debris and anucleate squamous cells can accumulate in many lesions including epidermal inclusion and sebaceous cysts and follicular neoplasms. Although no neoplastic cells are observed in these smears, some neoplasms may have extensive areas where only keratinized material is found. These include trichofolliculoma, infundibular keratinizing acanthoma, trichoepithelioma, pilomatricoma, and inverted squamous papilloma. When keratin debris is released into the surrounding dermis or subcutis, it invokes a significant inflammatory reaction. Sometimes these become secondarily infected. Although the inflammation may subside on its own, the cysts or neoplasms often continue to produce keratin, inciting further inflammation. Although likely a benign lesion, removal and histopathology may be advisable both for treatment and to more fully classify the lesion.

Hybrid Cat Rescue

We didn’t plan it this way, but on NATIONAL FERAL CAT DAY we were asked to rescue two exotic cat hybrids who had been dumped by their owners and were now starving to death…..
The cats had been trapped by Animal Control and no one had claimed them, so the Audubon Society drove them to us to see if they could get a second chance here.

One of the cats was a very sweet bengal cat who was adopted by one of our Big Cat Rescuers. The second is an unknown mix but closely resembles a Jungle Cat. He is not as friendly and because of this, he will remain a permanent resident here at the sanctuary. His caregivers have grown quite close to him over the past couple of weeks and have given him the name King Tut.

When Tut arrived he was very underweight and had a wound on one of his feet. His wound was cleaned and sutured by Dr. Wynn and he was neutered.  King Tut has finally been moved outdoors to a large natural enclosure.

Update 4/15/2019

King Tut Savannah Cat was seen by Dr. Justin Boorstein today. He has been observed limping and got X-Rays and a full exam. We are consulting with other vets but think he may have a torn ligament. He also had a mass removed from his side which is being sent out for testing. He is waking up well and will be in the recovery hospital for several days to heal from the removal and for observation. Supporters like you make this type of medical care possible so THANK YOU!!

King Tut Savannah Cat was seen by Dr. Justin Boorstein today. He has been observed limping and got X-Rays and a full exam. We are consulting with other vets but think he may have a torn ligament. He also had a mass removed from his side which is being sent out for testing. He is waking up well and will be in the recovery hospital for several days to heal from the removal and for observation. Supporters like you make this type of medical care possible so THANK YOU!!
King Tut

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    1. Beautiful boy is gone??. I love you King Tut. I already miss you?. You were such a sweet boy. I hope I’ll see you when it’s my turn to go.

  1. King Tut is described as being of an unknown mix origin. Is there a way to test to determine what the mix actually is? Would that be of any importance in treating him or otherwise?

  2. I so wish there was a way to shut down the hybrid breeders! I know y’all did all you could for him and gave him the best life he could have for as long as he lived. God bless you for that!

  3. Fly free baby boy. I bet there is a golden pyramid filled with straw just waiting for you at the bridge. Watch over everyone who loved you so much at BCR. Don’t mind the tears, they are liquid love.

  4. Run free in paradise sweetheart. I will never forget seeing you on my tours. Your fur shone like gold when you were sitting in the sun. You were so handsome and I still have that image in my mind. You will be missed.

  5. Once a person decides that he (or she) isn’t going to eat anymore, the prognosis is not good. And Tut was a better person than most that I know!
    I’m so sorry things didn’t go well for Tut. I also know that when something like this happens, it affects EVERYONE concerned. Thank you all for being there for Tut and us, who truly loved, respected and felt Tut in our lives.
    Love Always,
    Linda Ramos

  6. King Tut, you’re now free! No cage, no pain, just land to run and chase the butterflies and fly high with your wings of gold! You’re going to be missed beyond belief! A handsome cat now s handsome angel cat. My heart is broken, tears are falling, but I know this isn’t truly goodbye but see you later. Run In Paradise sweet King Tut ????

  7. Fly with the angels little King Tut. Now you can play on a beautiful meadow with all the other before you cats that went . R.I.P. I wish the BCR and its employees a lot of strength. You drew a difficult lot this year.

  8. Such a handsome fellow–what a loss. Just imagine what it is like for him now, free to be himself, healthy and no pain. He will be missed.

  9. Dearest BCR, I send my deepest condolences to you for your broken hearts on the loss of King Tut. Sweet Tut-Tut, you will be greatly missed from this earthly realm, but we know you have only transitioned over. This is not goodbye; we will see you again. Run happily, free and wild, through lush green fields over the Rainbow Bridge. You are pain-free and whole again, resting safely in the loving arms of God.

  10. We love you Tut.Be happy wherever you are now. A special thanks to the keepers who have done a wonderful job looking after Tut and attending to his needs.

  11. Oh beautiful Tutters! You will be missed. I’m so sorry. You gave him nothing but great care & love. You can run & play with all the the huts & pyramids you want. Run free beautiful baby boy

  12. You beautiful beautiful boy!
    Have fun running around over the rainbow bridge and with all the other beautiful cats and creatures up there xxxx sending snuggles to you xxx ??????

  13. My sincerest condolences on to BCR for your loss. Thank you for all you do for rescued big cats, and all you did for King Tut, but most of all educating the public about hybrid cats. Beautiful, exotic they may be but people must understand there are horrible consequences with breeding for both the cat and those who keep them as “pets”. Ethically this practice of breeding is not only questionable but needs to stop. Until people are educated, they will continue to purchase these cats as they seem to be equated with privilege (meaning because they are expensive ownership is a symbol of being wealthy.) Rest in peace, King Tut.

  14. Such sad news! I loved King Tut; he always greeted me with a loud meow and often some biscuits. As always, my thoughts, and prayers are with all the BCR angels who loved and cared for him. Run free King Tut. I will always love you.

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