Latest from Big Cat Rescue



Female CougarDOB 1/1/97 – 2/3/16Rescued 1/8/2010 Rescue of Narla the Cougar: This is a letter from someone who knew the Loppi’s.  This person below, wanted us to know that Rob was well intended and I post it here as an example of how even the best intentions usually end up bad for the exotic animal….

Wisconsin Big Cats

Wisconsin Big Cats

The state of Wisconsin is one of just five US states that currently has no regulations pertaining to the private ownership of exotic animals. Anyone can legally own, breed, buy, and sell big cats without having to register the animals with the state, which means that it is often easier for a Wisconsin resident to…



Why Do Our Cats Look Skinny? We hear that question a lot and it always surprises us a bit, because we know that our cats live far longer than they do in the wild or even at the best zoos or sanctuaries.  We just assume that everyone knows, when they see our cats’ photos and…



Aren’t They Lonely? People keep commenting, when they see that our cats have enclosures all to themselves, that they must be lonely. Trust me; if the cats actually wanted to share space with another cat, we would gladly do it because: People wouldn’t keep insisting that they are lonely It would increase our ability to…

AdvoCat 2016 01

AdvoCat 2016 01

Hope You Are Having a Happy New Year! We are very happy for two recent graduates of our bobcat rehab program.  Check out the release of Phoenix and Captiva in this video: Phoenix and Captiva are starting a new life journey as free and wild bobcats. Watch as we release them in their natural habitat….

Phoenix Rehab

Phoenix Rehab

Phoenix and Captiva (Warning to chicken lovers, there is a photo on the page of the bobcat eating a chick.  These chicks arrive frozen and are the byproduct of the egg industry.  All male chicks are usually disposed of at birth.  We buy them to feed our cats because whole prey is the most wholesome…