Latest from Big Cat Rescue

AdvoCat 2015 06

AdvoCat 2015 06

A Tale of Two Orphaned Bobcat Kittens There are two more mouths to feed at Big Cat Rescue! Phoenix and Captiva are two little Florida bobcat kittens who both lost their moms recently. Click Read More to find out what we are doing to return these bobcats to their rightful home in the wild.  Read…

Cat Chat 69

Cat Chat 69

Meet Olga Bellon on Cat Chat Show 69 Olga Bellon gets a crash course in big cat care at Big Cat Rescue to implement in the new big cat facility being built in Spain as part of AAP.  Download the  Lower Res Podcast File here. More about Big Cat Rescue’s work with AAP Primadomus Big Cat…

Journey Bobcat Kitten

Journey Bobcat Kitten

Journey the Rehab Bobcat Kitten   When orphaned bobcat kittens come to us for rehab and release, we try to limit imprinting on humans by having rescued mother cats, from our foster kitten program, nurture them. This kitten, Journey, died of Panleukopenia, less than 24 hours after this video, because he was too young to…

Animal Health

Animal Health

BIG CAT RESCUE’S ANIMAL HEALTH PROTOCOL In brief, this is how we insure the good animal health of our many exotic cats. When the Keepers clean, if they do not find poop, the cat goes on the ‘check again’ chart. Then a second team goes around and searches for their poop. If none is found…

AdvoCat 2015 05

AdvoCat 2015 05

Ooops! If you came here to take action for tigers and cougars, please go to: and scroll to the bottom.  Sorry for the using the wrong link in the January AdvoCat. The May AdvoCat Mewsletter By the time you get the next AdvoCat Newsletter we hope to be able to announce that the Big…