Protesting Cub Petting Displays

Protesting Cub Petting Displays

Since Saturday, more than 1200 of you have contacted the Sarasota Fair to express your concern and outrage about the abusive tiger cub petting exhibit currently at the fair. We thank you for speaking up for this cub who cannot speak for herself! You've also spoken up to let Sarasota Fair organizers know that it's NOT OK to host circus acts such as the Frisco Tiger Show, which is currently at the fair. Thank you again on behalf of the six adult tigers forced to perform in the Frisco show several times each day! A few of you have also inquired about spending a couple hours peacefully protesting outside the Sarasota Fair to demonstrate concern for the cats. What we have seen in the Midwest is that even very small protests can have a significant impact on bringing this issue to the attention of the public and the media, and make an impression on the owners or managers of the venue. Below is a photo of some dedicated big cat lovers in Cincinnati who protested at a mall there and got wonderful media attention.  Some folks are talking about trying to organize such a respectful protest from 2-4 p.m. this Saturday the 24th on Fruitville Road near Brink Ave. on the public sidewalk out front of the Robarts Arena at the fairgrounds. The more people who participate, the more impact a protest has. If you would be willing to devote a few hours to helping stop the tiger abuse and would like more details, contact our PR person Susan Bass at Thank you for all you do for the cats!    


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