Savannah Cats and Bengal Cats Make Bad Pets

Savannah Cats and Bengal Cats Make Bad Pets

*Why do Hybrid Breeders hate this video?

BCR is trying to educate the public before they pay $3,000+ for a cat. Breeders think they might lose money if people hear another view point. In our time, we have seen a number of unwanted hybrids.

Breeding down a wild cat with a domestic ruins any chance of the wild genes to continue on and save the species.(Seen with the loss of interest in the wild Amur Leopard Cat to the hybrid Bengal cat)

Let alone, why make another desinger cat when millions of domestics are put to sleep each year.

Big Cat Rescue in Tampa, Fl. provides a permanent home to over 140 exotic cats from Hybrids to Lions. WE DO realize people may love their pet hybrids (we see the videos here on You Tube), but it puts a demand on breeders getting servals and other smaller exotics to keep up with the exotic pet market, a market we are against.

Thanks for watching.

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  1. I agree, and wish they wouldn't take more servals as well. I don't own a savannah cat myself, but have always wanted to since I discovered the breed. I think the problem is that people want F1s and Savannah's that are more closely related to their serval descendants. I hope to own an F5 someday which wouldn't be directly from a serval. All domestic cats at one point came from a wild cat but it's not as though breeders still seek out that wild descendant to produce more kittens. It's time to get away from servals too, and stick to breeding Savannahs with Savannahs. Other people can feel free to disagree but this is my opinion.

    1. We did also, we had to change his name from Tigger to Havoc, but he’s been the most intelligent, funny, hunk of blessing we’ve ever had in a cat.

      1. My Savannah cat was sold to me as both Bengal and Savannah bred at the age of 4 months. She is a very scared cat that will not let anyone come close to her. I’ve given her a month and a ½ to get use to us and our elderly Burmese cat, but nothing’s changed. What am I to do?

  2. I have an F6 Savannah, and I wish I had never brought him home. They do not make good house pets. They never nap, they don't listen, and they get into everything. They will break things, they will tear into any food you leave out, and they will wake you up in the middle of the night. I would highly recommend any other cat, unless you plan on letting the Savannah live outside. Mine is sweet, don't get me wrong, but he is a huge pain in the butt. Buyer beware.

    1. You should have known that these cats are athletic and very naughty from time to time. If you don’t want him, I will take him and give him a forever home. These cats can provide lots of love but are also a handful. But to me that’s the fun part.

    2. I have an Ocicat that does similar behaviors that you’re describing. But I found that a lot of it was due to boredom. Make sure you have plenty of things to play with. These don’t have to be expensive either. Empty boxes with cut out holes will entertain a cat for hours, add tissue paper and it will entertain you for hours, sprinkle in some cat nip, family entertainment. :). A good diet of moist food daily & some good, vet recommended dry food in the bowl over night for the “munchies” so they will not tear open things because they are hungry. Cheaper dry cat foods have less protein, which does not stick around very long, resulting in hunger and possibly diabetes on down the road. Set aside play time with your furbaby an hour before bed, use a red light, or toy on a string that you’ve made and play for about 10 to 15 minutes or until kitty has lost interest. Once kitty is tired every evening, you both may get a little better rest. :). Btw, my boy is 11 this year, diabetic since age 6, and still loves to play. :). Best of Luck!!

    3. Sounds like regular cat. I have f6 savannah and tabby. My tabby makes just as many messes. Plus I have a snowshoe Siamese, She wakes me up in the night. People think cats are low maintenance but they require just as much care as owning any other pet.

    4. Savannah came into my on his own. I always
      wanted an exotic but wow omg. The is cat strong and can be aggressive always hungry he jumped into my wife face and into mind I got his attention with strong I’m the big cat here a smack and a know difenetly an outside cat but also considering sailing. I had him fixed because I thought it would it was ease him up but no way.

  3. If this guy knew ANYTHING about cat fancy/cat breeders, he'd know that most Savannah cats or Bengal cats that are bred close to their wild blood are generally kept for breeding only. This is considered F1 to F3 or F4 usually. Most breeders WILL NOT sell a close feral-blooded cat, especially a savannah, to a pet owner unless they are mostly domestic in their blood. The cats he's dealing with, are cats that shouldn't have been sold for pets.

  4. That description sounds like any cat to me. In fact, it sounds like a toddler. They don't want to take a nap, get into everything, don't listen, break things, wake you up at night…

    1. My friend went out and purchased an “expensive” Bengal cat after her divorce. I feel that the breeder should have really explained the breed to her, but did not. She loves her cat and cares for her, but she will attack her, biting her ankles, drawing blood, scratches on back etc., wakes her up at night so she has to put her in a separate room etc. I love all animals, grew up with dogs, mostly Labradors, rabbits, rode horses and we adopted 2 regular cats, sisters and have had them for 12 years along with 2 pure bred Labrador Retrievers that got along great. They are both loving and easy to care for. The one who we were told was a boy, and my then 10 year old daughter named Zeus, a Tuxedo, was shy at first. After patience and love she comes right up and lays on my chest when watching TV. When we found out at the Vet she was a girl we kept her name, ha ha! If you really want a “pure bred” wild cat like this I feel that you and the breeder should inform yourself about the reality of the breed and what it entails. Although my friend loves her cat, had she known the cat’s behavior she most likely would have opted for a standard domestic cat etc.

  5. Rebecca Sadler Of course you don't think that the fact that your pets are from a breeder is cruel. I have faith that if you thought it was cruel, you wouldn't do it.

    It's not cruel to the pets you have, it's cruel to the pets who needed homes that are still in a shelter because you bought v. adopted. And, believe it or not, there are hypoallergenic dogs in shelters. That's where one of my acquaintances got all of her dogs, and she loves schnauzers, too.

    No matter what your intention, your argument does not stand.

  6. Breeders that sell and buy these cats don't care about them at all. It's all about money and status. I agree about hybrid cats like these savannahs, bengals, servals that are bred with domestic cats and re named "Savannahs" I'm definitely not an expert in this field, but I learned from experience and research that these hybrid cats make bad pets. Being show cats is even worse. I purchased two Bengal cats 2 years ago. They were only 11 mo. old. I only took them because I have a cat habitat for my personal cats. I soon found out it was a mistake and why. They only cost me 40 dollars for both from a animal shelter that a couple left them because of there high energy and they lived in a trailer home. I wished I never took them but I would rather have them than they live in a shelter with domestic cats. It's difficult to raise hybrid cats with domestic cats unless your with them every day, which I am. They are very demanding and will destroy your home if left alone to long without someone there to care for them. They have a diet other than cat food. It's expensive and they are picky eaters. It's not wise to purchase a Bengal or Savannah and keep them penned in a house all day. They spray a lot and cause the other cats to do the same. They all stay outside now in there own little huts I built for them in the habitat. They are happy now and free to roam around in a secure area of a half acre. It's a miniature jungle I call "Little Cat Africa" Check it out on utube. I use my own money to feed, groom and make vet visits when needed. I'm not a cat rescue and limited on what I have. They are all fixed and I try to be attentive to all of them. It is a lot of work and dedication. In the summer when it is pretty hot they are allowed to come inside a separate room to stay cool and relax.

  7. You know, that is nice of you to offer that, but what experience and living conditions do you have that would make you think that savannah cares how willing you are? He would again have to be acclimated and be very upset with a new owner especially with behavior problems of a foster child. Trust me. It's not fair to the cat.

  8. Please, folks, adopt a deserving stray cat who follows you home or adopt a shelter cat and save him or her from s life of confinement in cages,cheap food, boredom and a pitiful death in a gas chamber. If Frank Sinatra can adopt dogs that are shelter mutts and give them privileged lives, YOU can open your home to a shelter kitty and live with love for a lifetime.

    1. The first cat we adopted was a Tuxedo named Madison, who came from a litter that belonged to a vet’s cat. Our second guy came from an adoption through Pet-Valu, named Finnigan and our third little guy was found in our backyard. He was possibly ‘dumped’ at around 5 weeks old, according to our vet. He is our ‘Canada Day Kitty’, as we found him on Aug. 8, 2017. Finnigan took to him right away and followed him around like a ‘Mother Hen.’ A mother cat usually takes a week or 2, licking her offspring’s kitten fur away; Finnigan did the ‘honours’ in just 1 night’ He licked off 75 – 80 % of Mickey’s fur and all he got for his efforts was a big ‘Hair Log’ that he coughed up the next day. They are great company for each other.

  9. I have an F3 Savannah cat. She is the sweetest and most gentle cat I have ever owned! On top of that, she has literally saved my life three times. I am a diabetic and for some reason, my blood sugar will drop to 59 in about 30 minutes time no matter how much protein I eat before going to sleep! “Baby” has taught herself to alert when my blood sugar takes a nose dive and she works hard to wake me up. Now she wakes me or alerts when my blood sugar starts to drop instead of waiting until it is too low.

    My granddaughter adores her and gives her kisses every time she sees her! Baby sits there and purrs for her while she kisses her!

    My cat is a F3 Bengal. Maybe I just lucked out on my cat, but I will say that I don’t think I would ever be happy with any other breed of cat since having “Baby.” She is amazing, gentle, affectionate, very loving, and smart! I got a long lecture when I dropped her off for a stay at the vet’s when I had to go into the hospital for surgery. He said there were too many cats needing homes to spend money on a purebred cat! When I went to pick her up, she was sitting on the desk of the receptionists. My vet came out and claimed she is half dog and half human in a cat body. He said I could leave her with them anytime and were kind enough not to charge me when I tried to pay for her stay! Baby had evidently entertained the children of his clients when their moms brought their pets in and made sure everything ran smoothly! She is an amazing cat and everyone that has ever met her falls in love with her.

    1. You sound like one of the fortunate ones. This is not the typical story of anyone who owns a hybrid. Sadly to get to your F3 there were generations of hybrids who were more “wild” and made horrible pets that were more than likely cast off.

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