
Tiger 8/1/06 – 2/28/19  Seth was a neutered male tiger who was rescued in 2016.

2/28/19:  I am sad to report that the heroic efforts of all involved were not enough to save Seth Tiger’s life. Since all of his symptoms point to some brain issue we are trying to arrange for a full necropsy that will include testing the brain so that we know what took this precious tiger from us too soon.

In December of 2006 Seth and his sister, whose name is unknown, arrived at Big Cats of Serenity Springs presumably after outgrowing their usefulness as pay to play photo props at T.I.G.E.R.S. in Myrtle Beach, SC.

He’s had a swollen ankle and was neutered and provided much needed veterinary care by the Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge staff once they took over the Big Cats of Serenity Springs facility in late September of 2016.

Seth and Gabrielle had been used as breeding stock for the pay to play schemes at Big Cats of Serenity Springs and elsewhere.  Seth & Gabrielle had a cub on 6/18/13 named Lola AKA Ripley, who was pulled for hand rearing at the age of 3 weeks and then sold to Hollywood Animals at the age of 10 weeks. She was diagnosed with ringworm on 8/25/13.

Cubs were frequently transferred both in and out to GW Zoo, Jungle Safari AKA The Zoo, Wildlife in Need, Dirk Arthur’s magic act, Tanganyika Wildlife Park, Hanson Exotics, T.I.G.E.R.S. and others.

Everyone, and their mother, is going to ask if they will be put back together and that depends on what the cats want.  If they want to share space, we will accommodate them but big cats are solitary and usually don’t want to be housed together.  It’s only done at breeding facilities, for obvious reasons, and at zoos to cater to the public’s desire to see animals in pairs or groups, even though it goes against their nature.  Find out more at


Read more about his arrival at Big Cat Rescue here:

Seth Got a Dental 10/4/2017

Seth weighed in a 440 pounds.

Join us in giving a HUGE HUGE THANK YOU to The Peter Emily Foundation for volunteering nine vets and techs to come care for the cats here.  They came from VA, TX, CO, and FL  The Peter Emily International Veterinary Dental Foundation is based in Lakewood, Colorado. Their mission statement: “Our mission is to provide life improving advanced veterinary dental care and treatment to US and overseas captive animal facilities and animal sanctuaries, which are under funded and/or understaffed from a veterinary perspective.”

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  1. When I click the picture for the shirt, it does not link me to Amazon to purchase the Seth shirt. How can I fix this? Also, Seth is a beautiful boy, you must be extremely proud.

  2. Morning Carol and Saff,
    I can’t really use the word “good.” My deepest condolences for your loss. I cannot imagine what you are all going through at the moment. You guys are awesome and there are plenty of cats that appreciate what you do. Seth tiger your fight is over. Run free.

    Kindest regards

  3. Oh Seth… I’m going to miss your silly kitten like self. You are free to run wild and maybe do some more lakeside splashing with Andy. RIP sweet boy.

  4. Oh Seth…I am so glad I got to know you. Watching you at Tiger Lake and especially watching your silliness first thing in the mornings just made my day(s). I will love and miss you forever ❤️

  5. You are truly a handsome tiger Seth and will truly be missed by all-you fought hard to win this battle but even with the great efforts of all the BCR keepers-staff vets and all that tried the Big Guy upstairs said time to cross that Rainbow Bridge Seth and come home to Me-Seth your life here at BCR was like Heaven to you cause you were taken care of with much love-BCR is the best!!!!!!!My heart is sad but in a sense relieved that now you can run free and your spirit will remain always with the wonderful and fantastic BCR AND HELP WITH THE FIGHT TO END ALL ABUSE OF ALL THE FUR-BABIES-RIP SWEET SETH AND GOD’S SPEED

  6. my thoughts and prayers are with everyone at BCR for the loss of our sweet boy Seth <3 I sure will miss him attacking the fishes in the water and then splashing to make them leave. I sure will miss you my Sethie Poo <3 RIP Sweet Boy and run free <3

  7. Sethie – the original dreamboat, my sneaky boy, my tiger love. I’m really not sure how to recover from this one… You were everyone’s favorite boy. You were our official morning greeter, our lazy lakeside cutie and literally the sweetest boy in the world. I will never forget you or the anger that fills up inside me when I think about the life you had to live before coming here… yet you remained the silliest sweetest guy♥ I made the Call of the Wild for you this morning as soon as I got back to my desk after saying goodbye. I will always make that call for you. I’m going to try to focus on the fight that is still ahead, to protect others from a life like you lived. I’ll never forget all of our talks. You were the first rescue I ever saw arrive at BCR and the first time I was ever asked to photograph an event for BCR. You were the first vet procedure that my husband and I attended together. You were our baby boy <3 My first morning as a staff member, I was so nervous to go LIVE for the first time ever, so naturally I chose you to help me through it♥ Now you can run and jump and be as crazy as you want to be and like you were always meant to be. I hope you find Andy and can splash each other till your hearts content. I will never ever stop fighting for you, my love bug.

  8. Holding all of you close in my heart, my thoughts, and my prayers as you journey through this extremely difficult time! RUN FREE SETH and join Cameron, Andre, Arthur, Chakara, Andy, Joseph, TJ and all of our other BCR family members that have gone on before you. Our love and pieces of our hearts go with you! If LOVE could have saved you… You would have lived forever!

  9. I am going to remember Seth has the most contented big cat I have the pleasure of seeing. BCR made his life as close to normal has possible.

    I will remember his days at Tiger Lake, how he loved his stump and hated fish.

    You guys are the best. And I know animals crossing the Bridge is the worst feeling in the world. Take solace in knowing you gave Seth a full life.

  10. My heart is so sad to hear about Seth. What a wonderful boy. Thanks to all of you for your dedication to save Seth’s life. You can be very proud of him and yourselves as well.

    God Bless and thank you so much.

  11. One of my favourite water tiger, I will miss his inquisitive stare, and his playfulness. He held on for as long as he physical could. I will be comforted in knowing that he will have a neverending pool and all the sunny days to enjoy it. RIP Seth my water tiger. Until we meet again, take care of all the others for us.

  12. I want to say that their are no words to describe how devastated I am that we lost Seth. All my love and prayers to all Staff, volunteers, and interns at BCR for your devastating loss may knowing that you made his life a happy and fun filled one bring you joy and comfort.

  13. I am so terribly sorry to hear about the loss of Seth tiger. I’m sure you all are devastated…my thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. Thank you for taking care of him and making his last few years the best they could be. Run free handsome boy ??

  14. Good bye bouncy tigger. You were our baby when u arrived the youngest of your amazed me with your fun loving,stalking, curious,free spirit. I enjoyed watching you swim at walkabout..your enthusiasm for swimming and splashing really showed off ur zest for life. Swim free through lakes full of not so scsry fish..and lots of stumps to rest upon..and plants to hide behind. Ill really miss watching you play. Rest knowing you did your job well. Your life not in vain you spread love and light to all who met you. Good night my hippie kitty.

  15. So sorry for the loss of sweet sweet Seth. He was my favorite tiger to see on live videos or in photos. He was such a sweet, handsome, playful boy. He will be missed greatly. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone at BCR at this time and my heart aches for all of you. Thank you to each and everyone one of you for caring for these cats and giving them such wonderful care. God bless you all. Run free sweet Seth ❤️?

  16. I am so saddened to hear about the passing of Seth. You did a beautiful job with him and I’m sorry you lost him. May he rest in big cat peace.

  17. Sweet Seth,
    I will miss your playful spirit, your adorable poses of sleep on your tree stumps and your silly fish fights in tigerlake.
    My heart goes out to all at BCR and your fans who made sure you had the best life possible. Know you were and will forever be loved and missed.
    R.I.P. handsome ❤?❤

  18. Sethy. RIP sweet stripesider. You are greatly missed by many including me. Fly free, whole, healthy, and forever Loved, Seth. Watch over your loved ones here on earth until reunited in due time. My deepest condolences to everyone at BCR and all who love sweet Sethy.

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