


Eko, and 8 year old Malayan tiger was shot to death at the Naples Zoo 12/30/2021 because a janitor allegedly hopped the barricade and stuck his arm in the cage.  The reason people do stupid things like that is because they see faux conservationists show off on TV and social media with juvenile big cats…

abused baby tiger cub

Why Regulations Won’t Work

Why Regulating Conditions Under Which Big Cats Are Kept SIMPLY DOES NOT AND CANNOT WORK The only way to stop the abuse of big cats in captivity is to ban private ownership.  Trying to “regulate” the conditions under which the cats are kept by private owners is simply impossible.  This has been proven by years…



Mickey Male Cougar Born 6/25/2003 Rescued 8/18/2014 Died 10/22/17 Today the vet group was texting back and forth about Mickey’s latest challenge, which was a runny nose and congestion.  Kathryn went to get photos and videos of the coughing, sneezing and mucous, but what her camera captured broke our hearts instantly when we witnessed it. …

Servals are Not Pets

Servals are Not Pets 242 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Believe That Lying Breeder   1. Almost no one ever keeps their “pet” serval after it reaches 1.5 – 5 years of age because they pee constantly, on everything, to mark their territory.  This is not about house breaking; it’s 1000s of years of instinct to…

where will the ringling cats go


ACTION ALERT! RINGLING WANTS TO EXPORT 8 OF THEIR CIRCUS TIGERS TO GERMANY TO BE FORCED TO PERFORM IN ANOTHER CIRCUS! The owner of Ringling circus is petitioning the USDA to allow 8 of their circus tigers to be exported to Germany where they will reportedly be forced to perform in another circus! It’s extremely…

abused baby tiger cub

Tiger Temple

BIG NEWS FOR BIG CATS Thailand’s Tiger Temple was founded in 1994 as a forest temple and sanctuary for wild animals.  The temple rescued it’s first tiger in 1999, an orphaned cub that had been found in a local village. The cub died soon after its arrival. According to reports 8 cubs in need of…



Are Zoos as Bad as Circuses? That’s a question people usually ask me, or some variation on it, such as, “Aren’t zoos better than circuses?”  I’m always surprised that some people who absolutely hate the circus will try to justify zoos. Gallup first asked Americans about the rights of animals in 2003 and repeated the…