
Work With Big Cats

Work With Big Cats

Is this you? Volunteer now! We get dozens of letters every day from people who tell us it has been their life long  ambition to work with animals. Most of these people are hoping to get a paying job where they can work with our big cats or advice on how they can get a paying position…

Advocat 2016 10

Advocat 2016 10

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Happy Halloween from Big Cat Rescue! Lions, Tigers, and Haunted Houses…OH MY!! Watch as some of our big cats enjoy their Halloween enrichment. Happy Halloween!! If you are wondering what happened to the September AdvoCat, so am I.  There’s just been so much going on at Big Cat Rescue that I ran out of…

AdvoCat 2016 06

AdvoCat 2016 06

Good News!  Good News! Thor the Bobcat is released back to the wild.  Thor had been hit in the head by a car and survived nearly overwhelming odds against him.  See the video of this most unusual release at: Grrrreat New Videos There have been 13 grrrreat new videos posted since the last AdvoCat….

AdvoCat 2016 04

AdvoCat 2016 04

The Best Week for Big Cats in Decades! This week has been epic for big cats, thanks to all of YOU who have roared out to protect wild cats and their cubs. 4/3/2016 USDA cracks down on abuse of cubs under the age of four weeks.  In response to a 2012 legal petition filed by…

AdvoCat 2016 01

AdvoCat 2016 01

Hope You Are Having a Happy New Year! We are very happy for two recent graduates of our bobcat rehab program.  Check out the release of Phoenix and Captiva in this video: Phoenix and Captiva are starting a new life journey as free and wild bobcats. Watch as we release them in their natural habitat….

AdvoCat 2015 12

AdvoCat 2015 12

Happy Holidays from Big Cat Rescue   We have so much to be thankful for; wonderful people like you who help ensure that our big cats stay fed, our AdvoCats all around the world who work for laws to end the abuse of big cats, our Big Cat Rescuers who donate their time to caring…

AdvoCat 2015 10

AdvoCat 2015 10

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Happy Halloween from Big Cat Rescue Big Cat Rescuers Have Rescued a 13-Year-Old Tiger Named Teisha from Ohio DONATE HERE TO HELP US CONTINUE TO RESCUE CATS LIKE TEISHA On Monday, October 5, 2015, the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) and the Marion County Sheriff’s Office took possession of 5 tigers from Mike Stapleton,…

AdvoCat 2015 08

AdvoCat 2015 08

AdvoCat 2015 08 Cecil the Lion Cecil the lion has touched the lives of everyone who cares about big cats.  Here are three articles that detail some of his impact on the rest of the world: If you are looking for a way to help protect big cats like Cecil, please take…

AdvoCat 2015 07

AdvoCat 2015 07

We usually try to give you some fun stuff before asking you to take action, but cubs, kittens and cats just can’t wait!   Top Shocking Incidents of Big Cat Exploitation – July 2015   We hope by sharing a new list with you each month that you will join us in speaking out for the…