
Pia and Venkman Bobcats

Pia and Venkman Bobcats

Born: Approx: December 2020 Arrived at Big Cat Rescue: May 19,2021 Released back to the wild: 11/17/2021 This morning we took in two more bobcats! Two 6 month old kittens who were found covered in mange in South Florida. The Wildlife Center of Southwest Florida originally rescued the pair and gave them initial treatment. At…

Ambrose-Denali-Lily Bobcats

Ambrose-Denali-Lily Bobcats

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Ambrose-Denali-Lily Bobcats Rescued: 5/18/2021 Died: ·         Ambrose: 6/2/2021 ·         Denali: 6/3/2021 ·         Lily: 6/5/2021   Sadly all three of these kittens died with the primary culprit being Calici virus, which is common in domestic cats but we have never seen it in wildcats before.  None of the bobcat kittens were exposed to domestic cats…

Angel Bobcat

Angel Bobcat

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Angel Bobcat Rescued: 9/14/2020 Released back to the wild: 3/18/2021   We rescued a new bobcat kitten this morning and her name is Angel. We hit the road at 3 AM this morning to pick up the 6-week-old kitten who was found all alone in the middle of the road on a rural highway….

Faith Bobcat

Faith Bobcat

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Faith the Rehab Bobcat How it all began Rescued: 12/2/2003 Released back to the wild: 4/21/2005 In 2005 Big Cat Rescue released a native bobcat back into the wild. While this is done frequently by Big Cat Rescue for bobcats who were adults when they arrived, it was the first time that we had…

Tiger Lilly

Tiger Lilly

Tiger Lilly Female Bobcat DOB 4/30/95 Rescued 6/6/95 Died 4/9/2020 The photo above was taken by one of her keepers, Mary Lou. Tiger Lilly was merely two months old when she arrived at Big Cat Rescue. She was rescued from a fur farm in Minnesota along with twenty-two other exotic cats, which included bobcats and…



Female Bobcat4/14/96 – 5/8/2021 Breezy has a very lush enclosure with many hiding places to make her feel safe and comfortable. She comes out to enjoy enrichment items put in her cat-a-tat, or watches the ducks, peacocks, and swans as they wander by.  When she does, it is the perfect opportunity for everyone to get a…

Bobcat Kitten VS Adult

Bobcat Kitten VS Adult

Bobcat Kitten VS Adult Photos for Tracking Rehabbers who rescue bobcat kittens and release them back to the wild have asked for photos that show the spot and stripe patterns on kittens vs the way they look as adults. This helps them track the cats in the wild via trail cams. Here are a few:

Little White Dove

Little White Dove

Female Bobcat 5/19/97 – 4/19/18 Little White Dove Has Crossed Rainbow Bridge Despite having her leg in a cast, Dr. Wynn took her lunch break to come ease Little White Dove to the other side.  A couple weeks ago, when Little White Dove stopped eating we did diagnostics that found her 20 year old kidneys…

Cooper’s Timeline

Cooper’s Timeline

1/27/2018 Meet rescued, orphaned bobcat kitten, Cooper This bobcat, Cooper, was found in Palatka.  Cooper is about 12 weeks old and is emaciated and covered in fleas and ticks. It appears his mom is gone and he was left to figure out survival on his own. Doing that inside a chicken coop got him busted….