Canada lynxes

Lynx Facts

Lynx Facts

Canada Lynx Common Name: Canadian LynxKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: Chordata (Vertebrata)Class: MammaliaOrder: CarnivoraFamily: FelidaeGenus: Felinae (Lynx)Species: canadensis Misc: The debate continues whether or not the Canadian Lynx is in fact a separate species from the Eurasian (a.k.a. Siberian or Iberian) Lynx, or merely a sub-species. Experts are evenly divided on this subject, but for now, it remains…



Male Canada lynxAppx. 1/1/07Rescued 5/5/13 Crossed Rainbow Bridge 6/5/2023 Gilligan’s age is unknown. We were told he was purchased along with Skipper at an auction. Gilligan had the tiniest cage measuring 5′ x 7′. It was also the dirtiest of all of the cages. The mud floor was not mud, but feces covered with a…


  Skipper Male Canada lynxAppx. 1/1/07 Died 9/30/18Rescued 5/5/13   Skipper’s age is unknown. He had been purchased along with Gilligan at an auction before being rescued years later by Big Cat Rescue.   Skipper had the largest cage measuring about 5′ x 30′. He had a small plastic dog house and a plastic shelf…