
Caracal Facts

Caracal Facts

Common Name: CaracalKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: Chordata (Vertebrata)Class: MammaliaOrder: CarnivoraFamily: FelidaeGenus: Felinae (Caracal)Species: caracal Misc: The name Caracal is derived from a Turkish word “karakulak” meaning “black ear.” The Caracal was once trained for bird hunting in Iran and India. They were put into arenas containing a flock of pigeons, and wagers were made as to how…



Male  1/1/03 – 9/13/17 Rescued 9/1/13 Caravel (Caracal / Serval Hybrid) 9/13/17  This morning JoJo was laying on his side, unable to move anything but his eyes.  Jamie rushed him to the Humane Society of Tampa Bay to see Dr. Justin.  The ultrasound of JoJo’s heart indicated that it was not able to contract normally, which was…



Sassy Female Caracal 12/6/94 – 3/23/17 Sassy Caracal was born here in 1994 because we were told by those in the industry that caracals were rare and should be bred for future generations because there weren’t many in zoos.  What we didn’t know at the time, as it was before we had access to the…



Rusty Male Caracal 3/28/1997 – 9/4/2016 Rusty has some of the most beautiful features you will find in a caracal. Having been around humans all of his life, he is extremely interested in what the volunteers who clean his enclosure are up to every day. Even when he is enjoying a delightful catnap, he insists…



  ROSE Female Caracal DOB 3/28/97 – 7/31/13 Rose is such a friendly caracal that she was featured in Jack Hanna’s show “Wild Adventures” for a demonstration of photo tour techniques. Guests love looking at the characteristic black tufted ears of this little caracal. Rose, like many other wild cats that were raised to become…



Rupa Female Caracal Date of Birth: 1992 – 2005 Rupa came to Big Cat Rescue on 1/11/94 as a hand raised pet. Her owner had discovered he had an incurable illness and could no longer care for his cats. She was very loving, but she is hyperactive and has all of her claws and teeth….

Sierra Caracal

Sierra Caracal

Sierra   Male Caracal 1990 – 4/22/04 Sierra came to Big Cat Rescue on 5/1/93 from an Alabama Research Center. It is disturbing to contemplate what type of research would possibly be needed of African cats in the U.S. and why it made Sierra so fearful of people. He came with a general dislike for…