
where will the ringling cats go


ACTION ALERT! RINGLING WANTS TO EXPORT 8 OF THEIR CIRCUS TIGERS TO GERMANY TO BE FORCED TO PERFORM IN ANOTHER CIRCUS! The owner of Ringling circus is petitioning the USDA to allow 8 of their circus tigers to be exported to Germany where they will reportedly be forced to perform in another circus! It’s extremely…



Are Zoos as Bad as Circuses? That’s a question people usually ask me, or some variation on it, such as, “Aren’t zoos better than circuses?”  I’m always surprised that some people who absolutely hate the circus will try to justify zoos. Gallup first asked Americans about the rights of animals in 2003 and repeated the…


Circus Jobs

Would a Big Cat Ban Result in Lost Jobs? People who make a living pimping out cubs and forcing big cats to do un natural acts in the circus ring will tell you that a ban on big cat possession will result in a loss of jobs, but that isn’t true.  Here’s why: Big Cats…


UK Bans Use of Wild Animals in Circus Acts

Victory in the campaign to ban circus animals Government concedes defeat after bribes and intimidation fail to deter rebels MPs voted to ban wild animals in circuses last night after David Cameron’s attempts to bully Conservative backbenchers into voting against the measure backfired and ended in a humiliating public defeat. In a decision hailed by…

tiger flavio flower field


FLAVIO  Male Siberian/Bengal Tiger DOB 1989 DOD 1/5/2014 Arrived at Big Cat Rescue 1/1/2002 Flavio arrived at Big Cat Rescue in 2002 after retiring from the circus.  He was hailed as the smartest circus tiger ever known.  He performed a light and music number flawlessly for years until he decided one day that he didn’t…

Ira Fisher


  For many cities and towns across our country the circus is a tradition of the holiday season. Revelations about behind the scenes practices of the circus raises serious questions about an event that many Americans regard as a holiday tradition. For the most part, the circus is a wonderful event. The clowns, acrobats, trapeze…



SARMOTI Male Siberian/Bengal Tiger DOB 1/1/93 Arrived at Big Cat Rescue 9/9/2000 Died 6/18/13   Sarmoti is an acronym for Siegfried And Roy, Masters Of The Impossible.  Despite the great name for a working cat, he was retired earlier than all of his buddies because he doesn’t do tricks.   He came here at the same…