The Plight of Tigers in the United States
Comprehensive Video of the Plight of Tigers in the U.S.
Uploaded by MSLawdotedu on Nov 4, 2011
In the wake of the exotic animal tragedy in Zanesville, Ohio, the Educational Forum takes a closer look at the plight of tigers in the US and the exotic animal trade in America.
Twenty one states allow the ownership of exotic animals as pets and there are no federal regulations preventing you from owning a tiger; in fact you can purchase a cub for about the same price as a labrador retriever, but what do you do with it when it becomes a five hundred pound man eater. There are an estimated fifteen thousand tigers in the US and around thirty two hundred in the wild; Assistant Dean Diane Sullivan talks with Carole Baskin, founder and CEO of Big Cat Rescue, Rose Church, CEO of World Council for Animal Rights, Adam Roberts, Executive VP of Born Free USA and Grace Ge Gabriel, Regional Director of IFAW Asia about the plight of the tiger and what we can do to help in this episode of the Massachusetts School of Law’s Educational Forum.
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Note that the Big Cat Rescue logo is on the screen to show that we supplied the images, but the images of abuse were not filmed at the sanctuary. They were filmed under cover, in malls or at facilities where we rescued cats.