Tiger Skin and Tiger Bones Openly Traded on eBay in 2012

Tiger Skin and Tiger Bones Openly Traded

on eBay in 2012


These tiger pelts and tiger bones were being offered for sale on eBay in the U.S. and the U.K. in April and May of 2012.


Big Cat Rescue filed complaints with eBay and the USFWS but these kinds of illegal tiger products are openly traded on eBay and Craig’s List.  Government agencies are ill prepared to regulate the trade in endangered species and that is why it is so important to ban the private possession of big cats.


eBay and Craig’s List are great about removing such items once they are aware and we have filed complaints.  If the open trade in tiger parts just makes you see RED, there is something you can do about it.  Send one of our easy email letters to your Representative in Congress here:  https://catlaws.com  This bill would end the private trade in big cats.





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  1. I will never purchase anything from E Bay ever again and I will see to it that my closest friends and family know of what E bay is doing, and if they are like me, they too will shop elsewhere.

    1. Try not to blame eBay. They have so many items listed daily by good sellers, and sometimes the bad ones slip through. Once issues are addressed, eBay is pretty co-operative. They don't want to have legal issues come back and bite them (no pun intended). Just be aware when you're shopping on eBay.

  2. this is why I do not use those sites, or amazon who sells dog fighting videos. They ought to be fined heavily for this kind of activity but there is no one to hold them accountable except us. So as long as there are scumbags to buy it, they will sell it.

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