
USDA Fails Animals and Public

Current USDA Regulations and Enforcement Fails Animals and Public

Many facilities hide behind their USDA license as if it were a badge of honor, but this slide show will show you why USDA cannot possibly enforce the Animal Welfare Act and why it is a conflict of interest for them to be licensing the use of animals if they are also responsible for making sure animals are not abused. Breeding and dealing in captive wild animals is abusive and some other government agency, such as the Justice Department should regulate the care of wild animals if USDA is going to continue allowing wild animals to be used.

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Tigers in the U.S.

Carole Baskin, Founder and CEO of Big Cat Rescue, the world’s most influential, accredited sanctuary, that is devoted entirely to exotic cats speaks out about:

1. Where do big cats go when they are no longer profitable cubs?
2. If the good sanctuaries are full, where do the big cats go?
3. Should we be building bigger and more sanctuaries for the unwanted cats?
4. What is the best way to prevent the abuse of lions, tigers and other big cats?
5. Does banning private possession of exotics work?
6. Who tracks maulings, killings and escapes by tigers and other big cat species?
7. Do USDA and state inspections make sure breeders and dealers are being humane?
8. When did the big cat crisis in America start?
9. Are there laws to prevent exotic cats from being traded for their meat, skin and bones?
10. How is the public to blame for the worst acts toward tigers and their cubs?
11. What happens to breeders, dealers and other wild animal exploiters when they run out of money?
12. What are some of the most lax states when it comes to wildcat standards and enforcement?
13. Why doesn’t the government do something about all of the abuse of tigers, lions, leopards, jaguars & other big cats?
14. Are there illegal activities operating in the shadow of legal uses of tigers?
15. What kind of tracking is done and what needs to be done to end the abuse of exotic wild cats?

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