Avni Tigress and cub

Save Avni Tigress and Her Two Cubs

ACTION ALERT Started October 9, 2018

We’ve heard that today the government has brought in dogs to locate her and then she will likely be killed. #LetAvniLive

It is very important that big cat lovers let government officials in India know that the world is watching and that there are thousands of us who want Avni’s life spared. Please take action NOW as time is running out to save this wild tigress!

Avni (pictured above), her two young cubs and her mate are in grave danger. Avni is a young tigress who lives in the western forests of India with her cubs and her mate T2. She lives in an area where illegal cattle grazing and human encroachment of the forest land are rampant.

The government is alleging that 13 people found dead in the forest in the last 2 years have died from attacks by Avni, even though DNA reports show signs of a tiger attack in only one of the cases. Avni has been labeled a “man-eater” or “marked tiger” while there is no solid proof or evidence of her killing those humans.

We’ve been told courts in India have given the directive to state forest officials to eliminate her. A notorious hunter has been hired by the state to hunt her down.

Can we count on you to speak up for Avni and her cubs?

Sign the Email Petition Here:  https://salsa4.salsalabs.com/o/51389/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=25559

UPDATE – October 11, 2018

Avni Tigress and cub

We’ve learned from our reliable source in India that today the #NTCA (National Tiger Conversation Authority) has issued a strong letter to the Chief Wildlife Warden that says it “violates operating procedures to declare Avni (T1) a man-eater and there is questionable haste in calling in a shooter to eliminate this mother tigress.”

Also, the case has been filed with the Supreme Court in India. However in light of the new evidence (the NTCA letter), there’s a fair chance that the Supreme Court will send the case back to the Nagpur Bench (of Bombay High Court) on grounds that the High Court never saw this NTCA letter and would need to take another look at the case with this fresh evidence.

These are good steps that offer temporary relief but do NOT guarantee Avni will be spared. Since Tuesday more than 7800 of you have signed our Action Alert, which automatically emails top Indian officials asking them to spare Avni and her cubs or relocate them if necessary. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SIGNED!!!

Please continue to sign our Alert and share it with your family and friends to keep the pressure on Indian officials!

SIGN HERE: https://salsa4.salsalabs.com/o/51389/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=25559


THANK YOU!! October 12, 2018

Big Cat Rescue's Action Alert for Avni tigress
Big Cat Rescue’s Action Alert for Avni tigress

A HUGE shout out to everyone who has been submitting and sharing Big Cat Rescue’s Action Alert for Avni tigress! We are closing in on 10,000 emails sent to high-ranking officials in India including the President and Prime Minister! Our animal advocate contacts on the ground in India who are feverishly meeting with officials to persuade them to rescind the shoot to kill order on Avni report officials are taking notice of the thousands of emails and that the world does not want to see Avni killed!

From our contacts: “THANK YOU Big Cat Rescue Team and all the supporters. It’s happening. Those 9000 + emails are making an impact. Media is reaching out and telecasting. Ministers are frustrated. Avni’s story is being telecasted by Mirror Now, a news channel. More activists are going to go on air in India tonight.”

If you haven’t submitted our Action Alert yet, here is the link: https://salsa4.salsalabs.com/o/51389/p/dia/action4/common/public/?action_KEY=25559

Big Cat Rescue PR Director Susan Bass and some of our on-the-ground advocates are quoted in this India Today article. https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/maharashtra-avni-tiger-hunt-presidential-pardon-1366831-2018-10-12

UPDATE October 19, 2018

People around the globe are standing up to speak out for Avni and her cubs!

People around the globe are standing up to speak out for Avni and her cubs!
People around the globe are standing up to speak out for Avni and her cubs!


You know how good it feels to make a difference for lions, tigers and other exotic cats, so please share that goodness with your family and friends. Please be sure and share this alert.

We would love to have you join us on social sites too:

Thanks again from all of us at Big Cat Rescue!
Carole Baskin, CEO
Big Cat Rescue
12802 Easy St Tampa, FL 33625

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