Laws for Cats

This is a selection of everything that is going on legislatively for cats.

Exotic Cat Meat

Exotic Cat Meat

Exotic cats are openly offered up for their meat, hides, bones or for hire at sites like these and on YouTube as shown below.     Note Big Cat Rescue opposes such industry and only posts this video and info so that you know what can happen to those cute little cubs you…

Mexico Sanctuary Conference

Mexico Sanctuary Conference

Mexico Agrees to Build Big Cat Sanctuary April 21, 2015 Mexico City, Mexico:  Carole Baskin, CEO of Big Cat Rescue, Antonio Franyuti, Founder of Animal Heroes, and Lourdes Lopes, Federal Deputy for the Green Party PVEM, entered into a Declaration that we would work together find and build sanctuaries to care for the big cats…

Big Cat Laws

This page lists pages that deal with big cat laws Killings, maulings and escapes by big cats State and Federal laws concerning exotic cats Big Cat Bans Why regulations don’t work and why bans do Legislation cannot change the heart, but it can restrain the heartless.   Visit these pages…

Big Top, Big Cruelty

  Good Morning, fellow Big Cat supporters! I’d like to share with you an article I’ve written as the new Legislation Intern for Big Cat Rescue! My particular internship is a new one here and was created to further the incredibly important big cat welfare legislation we are constantly working on! Please keep your eye…

Big Cats and Public Safety Protection HR1998 S1381

Big Cats and Public Safety Protection HR1998 S1381

Click the link below for the new bill page Below is from the 113th session of Congress. Use the link above for the current version of the bill and what you can do to help. This bill called the Big Cats and Public Safety Protection Act HR 1998 and S 1381 is the most important piece…


We Petition Congress, USDA & USFWS to: Ban the Private Possession of Wild Animals. Wild animals in cages do nothing to enhance the survival of the species in the wild. There are no reintroduction programs whereby big cats are bred in cages for reintroduction to the wild. On the contrary, the private possession of wild animals…