How do I REALLY make an impact for animals?

How do I REALLY make an impact for animals?

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Petitions and emails are easy, but they are not as effective as talking to your lawmaker.

Turns out everyone knows that but only 6% of the people who consider themselves Activists do anything about it.

tigers in circus wagonsHere’s what the study concluded:

Your lawmaker wants to hear from you when they are in recess and at their local office (not D.C.)  They don’t trust that your email came from a real person.  They really want to meet you and know what you care about because that is how they stay in their job.

The study also showed that activists know that a face to face meeting with decision makers has the most impact.  They just don’t do it.


It takes more effort and people fear doing something for the first time.  Trust me, after your first visit with your lawmaker, you will be looking for other reasons to drop in and tell them what you think.

Find your lawmakers here:

Learn about the issues here:


Sign up to get the full report when they release it later this summer:

Until then, feel free to contact to find out what you can do.

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