News @ BCR

If a big cat sneezes in the world, you will find out about it here.  Hover over the images to get the news.

800 Help FL

800 Help FL

New Fundraising Rules 2014   Most nonprofit organizations engaged in fundraising in or from Florida must include a campaign disclosure on all solicitations, receipts, confirmations or reminders of a contribution. Under the new law, this disclosure must also include a link to the Division of Consumer Services of the Department of Agriculture’s website. The following…

Why do people keep dead exotic cats in their freezers?

Frozen panther found in Loxahatchee home baffles law enforcement   One dead panther was buried in a garage freezer. Another was stuffed and mounted on a wall. The Oct. 16 discovery baffled law enforcement officers who were called to the 30-acre property in Loxahatchee that morning over a landlord-tenant dispute, according to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s…

Dying To Be Held

Dying To Be Held   If we were only $20.00 away from curing cancer, we would surely all clamor to be the one to complete the fundraising for the cure. Some of the ills of our society are that close to a cure. Ending the abuse of baby lions and tigers is one of them….

Interns Dive to Save Lives

Interns Dive to Save Lives

Interns Dive to Save Lives   Five Big Cat Rescue interns will be taking part in a skydiving event to help raise funds for construction of a new and larger cat hospital. Five of the sanctuary’s interns will be jumping from 15,000 feet on 22nd August 2014 to raise money to help fund construction of…

Tiger Slaughter Hell Tiger Preservation Center Bonnie Ringo

Tiger Slaughter Hell Tiger Preservation Center Bonnie Ringo

Tiger Slaughter Hell Tiger Tiger Preservation Center Bonnie Ringo A good friend just gave me a printed solicitation for money, asking to end the Tiger Slaughter Hell. While I agree with the need to end the private possession of big cats, I am dubious of the person sending out this plea for funds given her…