News @ BCR

If a big cat sneezes in the world, you will find out about it here.  Hover over the images to get the news.

Secrets of our Success

Secrets of our Success

Secrets of our Success   Most people perceive our sanctuary as successful.   If this is the kind of place you want to have then these are our tips for success. Begin with the end in mind. If you can see it, you can be it.  I spend a lot of time on my bike, when…

Pallas Cat

When it was announced that a Pallas Cat was arriving, Vern was heard to say, “Is that a breed, or did the cat get kicked out of the palace?” (You never know around here)   This cat is being treated like royalty. He was imported from Mongolia in part of an effort to save this…

Barbary Lions

Barbary Lions

There is no Barbary Lion project any more.  Only 5 lions were determined to have had sufficient Barbary or Black Mane DNA to have been candidates for bringing this species back from the edge of extinction.  The only female was Sarabi at Big Cat Rescue who died from cancer in 2007.  It is unlikely that…

Anatolian Leopards

Anatolian Leopard Is Alive Read Big Cat Rescue’s Daily Updates on Wildcats in the Wild at Field Projects 2006 Update from the Field: THE WASHINGTON TIMES By Nicholas Birch Published August 25, 2006 ISTANBUL — When Ahmet Caliskan shot a 143-pound leopard that had attacked his neighbor in the western Turkish village of Bagozu in…

Saving Leopards

Saving the Leopard in the Wild Big Cat Rescue was recently contacted by the Sr. Program Officer of World Wildlife Fund’s Asian Species Conservation Program asking for assistance with a major initiative in tiger conservation. In mid-December, WWF will begin their 5-month program “Tiger Conservation in the Cambodian Eastern Plains.” This 4.5 million acre area…

Big Cat Toys!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=””][vc_column_text]The only toys safe for lions, tigers, leopards and other big cats are those made by Boomer Ball,  Otto Environmental and Desert Plastics. Want to buy a toy for the big cats? Choose a big cat item from one of these companies and have it shipped to: Big Cat Rescue 12802 Easy Street Tampa,…