CTA How to Do a Facebook Fundraiser for the Cats

Big Cat Rescue’s mission is to ultimately save big cats in the wild. You can help us by creating a Facebook Fundraiser for Big Cat Rescue to help us further our cause!

YOUR Facebook fundraisers are making a difference in the conservation work we can fund to save big cats which in turn will save our planet!  THANK YOU!!!!

How to create a Facebook Fundraiser:

  1. Click on the menu button of your personal Facebook News Feed – on the right hand side at the top of the page (look for the 9 dots that make a square)
  2. Scroll down where it says “create” and click on “fundraiser”
  3. Select Nonprofit
  4. Search for us in that list that pops up
  5. That fills in basic information for you, but you can customize that.
  6. Choose a cover photo (ask us for one if you’d like)
  7. Click Create

NOTE: If you want help setting up or need photos for your project please contact 360@bigcatrescue.org

Did You Know?  Here at Big Cat Rescue,100% of your donations are spent directly saving the cats!!! We are extremely serious about donations being used JUST FOR THE CATS!

Because of adhering to that strict policy regarding donations, and all of the other ways Big Cat Rescue is transparent in our operations, we have earned Charity Navigator‘s highest 4-star rating for “sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency” EVERY YEAR since we were first evaluated by them in 2010.

Exciting:  Here is a quote directly from Charity Navigator’s rating letter “Only 7% of the charities we rate have received at least 4 consecutive 4-star evaluations.” Big Cat Rescue has done it for 6 consecutive years.

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One Comment

  1. My friend Penny did it for her birthday lately, and eventually I might do it on my birthday in January if #Facepoop lets me, they harass me 24/7 on all my 3 accounts at the moment…

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