Koda Lioness

Koda Lioness

Koda Lioness


Date of birth (approximate): 2018

Date of Rescue: March 2, 2022

We are excited to share some very BIG rescue news! This afternoon BCR’s staff and vet aided law enforcement with the seizure of a 4 year old lioness. She was sedated and transported to the sanctuary and will recover in her transport before being given access to her new enclosure (Nikita’s past enclosure). She did very well under sedation and has since recovered nice and easy. Her name is Koda.


Update  3/3/2022

Miss Koda Lioness is out exploring. She is being closely monitored but given space to explore.



Two Important Things You Can Do to Make a Difference for big cats like Koda Lioness:

You might be interested in learning more about how cub petting impacts lions, tigers and their cubs, and saving big cats in the wild.  Learn all about it at CubTruth.com

After you read CubTruth.com if it leaves you wondering what you can do please go to BigCatAct.com and use the quick easy tool there to let lawmakers know you want The Big Cat Public Safety Act passed into law.

Thank you for speaking up for the cats and being a voice for the voiceless!

April 18, 2022 Update:

From Carole:

We’ve worked with law enforcement on cases like Koda’s for many years. Never before has a former owner been successful in getting a court to compel the wildlife agency to send a cat to a place of their own choosing, after the cat was sent to us, but this one has. We have no other choice than to comply with the court order and FWC’s demand that we catch her and deliver her to that facility. We don’t know if we can reveal where she’s going yet. We are trying to catch her by crate training rather than sedating her again so soon after her rescue March 2. We aren’t done fighting for her and will share what we are allowed to share as soon as possible.

May 30, 2022 Update:

According to the FWC, Koda’s owner has the right to place Koda at a licensed facility of his choice while his appeal of their decision regarding his license is in process. Shortly after he had us move her to another sanctuary, he had her moved again. From what we are told, it was to a small facility operated by one of the people who has been a longtime critic of our efforts. We suspect that the reason for the second move was that at that facility he may be able to have physical contact with the cat. It is unclear what happens to Koda if the owner loses his appeal. All we can do is wait and see.

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