Latest from Big Cat Rescue

The Elephant in the Living Room was awarded the Genesis Award

The Elephant in the Living Room was awarded the Genesis Award this past weekend in Hollywood!!   We are so proud to earn this award! Director Mike Webber and Outreach for Animals Tim Harrison were both in LA to accept the award (photo below).   Coming to Tampa theaters in April.  Big Cat Rescue will…

Big Cats of America

Big Cats of America Did you know there are more than 5000 tigers in the USA, most of whom are being exploited for entertainment or being kept as “pets” ?? YOU can help end the suffering and abuse of captive tigers and help save the tiger in the wild!MOST IMPORTANT COMMENT PERIOD EVER TO END…

Big Cat Bailout

Big Cat Bailout   Our federal government allows the private sector to trade in big cats, but when times get tough and the owners can’t feed the cats, who eat 15 lb of meat a day, it isn’t the government bailing them out. When you hear the term, “too big to fail” they aren’t talking…