Latest from Big Cat Rescue

Mange in Bobcats

Mange in Bobcats

Mange in Bobcats: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Mange is a skin condition that affects various animals, including bobcats. It’s an issue that’s not just isolated to the individual animal but can have more extensive repercussions on the entire ecosystem. In the interest of creating a world where all wild cats live free and healthy, let’s…



Eco-Tourism: A Lifeline for the Pallas Cat – Saving the Manul in the Wild with Big Cat Rescue Discover the remarkable world of the Pallas Cat, also known as the Manul, and how eco-tourism can play a pivotal role in safeguarding their natural habitat. Join forces with Big Cat Rescue in this urgent mission to…

Save Snow Leopards

Save Snow Leopards

Why Saving Snow Leopards is Crucial for Both Conservation and Local Communities Introduction When we talk about snow leopards, we’re not just talking about another species. We’re talking about an integral part of our planet’s natural balance and a majestic creature that plays a vital role in the ecosystem. Just as importantly, we’re also talking…

A New Chapter for Our Tigers: Saying Goodbye and Looking Forward
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A New Chapter for Our Tigers: Saying Goodbye and Looking Forward

October 19, 2023: Twenty eight years ago, we embarked on a life-changing journey here at Big Cat Rescue. Our very first tiger, named Shere Khan, arrived, marking the beginning of a powerful mission to rescue and provide sanctuary for tigers who had been exploited, neglected, or abused. Up until then our residents were mostly bobcats…

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Ask us anything in real time here by clicking the image: Big Cat Rescue’s Mission At Big Cat Rescue our mission is to safeguard the world’s exotic wildcat species through a multifaceted approach. With an unwavering commitment to conservation, we strive to protect these majestic creatures both in captivity and in their natural habitats.  By…



We’re proud to announce that Big Cat Rescue played a pivotal role in the passage of the Big Cat Public Safety Act on December 22, 2022. This monumental federal bill bans private possession of big cats and makes contact with big cats and their cubs illegal in the U.S. While this is a significant milestone…