Latest from Big Cat Rescue

Cat Chat 23

Cat Chat 23

Lynda Sugasa of Safe Haven Rescue Zoo was our guest on this episode of Cat Chat Oct 2, 2013.  She is the Founder and Executive Director of  Safe Haven Rescue Zoo.     Download the audio podcast of Cat Chat 23 here.   Listen to past episodes of Cat Chat with Carole Baskin here.    …

The Singularity and Big Cats

The Singularity and Big Cats

Our friend Salim Ismail talks about how technology is changing the world.  At 21 minutes he talks about glow in the dark cats.  Toward the end there is some fascinating news about break throughs in creating clean drinking water and meats that don’t include animal suffering or environmental destruction. How do you think this will…

Cat Chat 22

Cat Chat 22

Carole Baskin Discusses Some Recent Rescues   Get the audio version of Cat Chat 22 here. See previous episodes of Cat Chat Here are 2 of the videos that played in Cat Chat 22   Fencer Bobcat Rescue   Reise Cougar Rescue Slideshow     This folder of images will be updated as they…

AdvoCat 2013 09

AdvoCat 2013 09

Hybrid Cat Rescued   A hurricane in 2005 ravaged a facility called South Florida Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Homestead, FL. The perimeter fence was demolished and piles of leaves and branches covered the cage roof tops. The founder of the center had tried to clean up the mess by himself and wound up in the…

Cat Chat 21

Cat Chat 21

Chelsea Feeny, Program Manager at Big Cat Rescue     Audio File   See previous Cat Chat episodes   CHELSEA FEENY PROJECT MANAGER   Chelsea Feeny first arrived at Big Cat Rescue in early 2009 as an intern. Before the completing of her internship she was hired as Project Manager. She currently is responsible for…

Tigers for Tigers Update

Greetings everyone,   I would like to update all of you on the progress of the National Tigers for Tigers Coalition. We are extremely thankful for your support and the students are excited for our bright future. I could not be more proud of the students and their passion for the cause. I truly believe…

Media 1996-2005

Big Cat Rescue was in the Media 223 times 1996 – 2005 Directory of all Press and Media for Big Cat Rescue 223 12/30/05 The Animal Atlas ran a 30 minute feature on Fox in Hickory, N.C. on Big Cat Rescue and an interview with Scott Lope. 222 12/28/05 The Washington Post did a story on a 10 year…