Tiger Rescued in Kansas

Watch Alexander’s dramatic rescue



then donate below to help care for him

Abandoned without food or clean water, eight big cats were rescued from small, inadequately secured enclosures on May 5, 2013. One of the cats, Alexander, arrived safely at The Fund for Animals’ Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch a day later.

Alexander joins three other tigers and dozens of other sanctuary residents who rely on The Fund for Animals care centers for lifelong sanctuary and specialized care.

We need your support to continue to protect these and other animals in need.

Please make a donation to The Fund for Animals to support the rehabilitation and veterinary care we provide to thousands of animals a year at our four animal care centers. Or, to support the work of our animal care centers all year round, please become a monthly donor today.


Meet the six exotic cats that Big Cat Rescue saved that day, with YOUR help.

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  1. Total awesome Coolness! That places like this exist! to help with the rescue of these awesome creatures.

  2. Total awesome Coolness! That places like this exist! to help with the rescue of these awesome creatures.

  3. Wake up America. PEOPLE SHOULD NOT HAVE WILD ANIMALS in their back yards/fields whatever. Not only is it horrible for the animal, but its unsafe for humans!

  4. Wake up America. PEOPLE SHOULD NOT HAVE WILD ANIMALS in their back yards/fields whatever. Not only is it horrible for the animal, but its unsafe for humans!

  5. This video says it all when it comes to wild animals being kept in horrible conditions. The cats in this video were saved and but there are many other situations in many states like this…

  6. This video says it all when it comes to wild animals being kept in horrible conditions. The cats in this video were saved and but there are many other situations in many states like this…

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