Male Serval
DOB 6/1/93 – 1/24/13
Arrived at Big Cat Rescue 6/18/98
Ty came to Big Cat Rescue on 6/18/98. His previous owners had become worried that Ty, who has all of his claws, would harm their young children. The breeder had told them that if they raised Ty with their infant son they would bond forever. By the time Ty was three, the boy was still a toddler and Ty went after him. The parents had visited Big Cat Rescue before and felt that Ty would have a comfortable and happy home here. His owners caught him up in a crab trap and transported him to the sanctuary in the back of their pick up truck. After spening days in the heat, on the open road, he finally arrived. Ty has finally found refuge and seems to be quite happy here. He lives to eat and will begin to look down the pathways for approaching keepers an hour before feeding time.
Ty was almost 20 years old when he died. He had been very healthy, right up until the end.